puts "============" puts "OCC27818_1" puts "============" puts "" #################################################################################### # Visualization - provide an interface to define highlight presentation properties: # test change of highlight properties for whole interactive context #################################################################################### pload VISUALIZATION MODELING box b 10 20 30 pcone p 15 0 40 vinit vclear vdisplay b -dispMode 1 vdisplay p -dispMode 1 vsetcolor b RED vsetcolor p GREEN vviewparams -scale 17.8 -proj 0.9 -0.3 0.3 vviewparams -up -0.2 0.4 0.9 -at 1.99 2.4 20.9 vviewparams -eye 56.1 -17.7 39.4 vselprops dynHighlight -transp 0.1 -color PALEGREEN2 -dispMode 1 vmoveto 167 263 set aPixelColor [vreadpixel 167 263 name rgba] set aTransp [lindex [split $aPixelColor { }] 1] if { $aTransp == 1 } { puts "Error: highlighting of a cone is not transparent!" } vmoveto 285 212 set aPixelColor [vreadpixel 285 212 name rgba] set aTransp [lindex [split $aPixelColor { }] 1] if { $aTransp == 1 } { puts "Error: highlighting of a box is not transparent!" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}.png