# Check stability of conversion of RGB colors to CIE Lab and Lch # color spaces and back on random colors # check color diff on random colors for {set i 1} {$i < 1000} {incr i} { set rgb "[expr rand()] [expr rand()] [expr rand()]" set lab [vcolorconvert to lab {*}$rgb] set lch [vcolorconvert to lch {*}$rgb] set rgb_lab [vcolorconvert from lab {*}$lab] set rgb_lch [vcolorconvert from lch {*}$lch] check3reals "RGB ($rgb) to Lab and back" {*}$rgb_lab {*}$rgb 1e-4 check3reals "RGB ($rgb) to Lch and back" {*}$rgb_lch {*}$rgb 1e-4 }