puts "==================================" puts "Viewer animation - rotate the view camera" puts "==================================" pload MODELING VISUALIZATION vclear vinit View1 vaxo vzbufftrihedron box b1 -50 -50 0 100 100 100 vdisplay -noupdate -dispMode 1 b1 vfit -noupdate # Animation simulates the following rotation: # vrotate 2 0 0 vanimation anim -clear vanimation anim/movecam -view -at1 0 0 50 -at2 0 0 50 -eye1 100 -100 150 -eye2 -153 -70 8 -duration 3 vanimation anim -play 0.0 0.0 if {[vreadpixel 306 280 rgb name] != "DARKGOLDENROD" || [vreadpixel 325 280 rgb name] != "DARKGOLDENROD"} { puts "Error: Camera rotate result is wrong!" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_0.png vanimation anim -play 1.0 0.0 if {[vreadpixel 306 280 rgb name] != "DARKORANGE4" || [vreadpixel 325 280 rgb name] != "BLACK"} { puts "Error: Camera rotate result is wrong!" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_1.png vanimation anim -play 2.0 0.0 if {[vreadpixel 306 280 rgb name] != "GOLDENROD3" || [vreadpixel 325 280 rgb name] != "GOLDENROD3"} { puts "Error: Camera rotate result is wrong!" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_2.png puts "Put the following command to start interactive animation:" puts " vanimation anim -play"