puts "========" puts "0024393: Visualization - objects position with enhanced precision" puts "========" pload MODELING VISUALIZATION vclear vinit View1 vaxo vzbufftrihedron circle c 0 0 0 0.001 mkedge e c wire w e plane s mkface f0 s w mkface f1000 s w ttranslate f1000 1000 0 0 # Display object with pre-applied transformation. # Result presentation is already corrupted # AND it jumps while rotating the camera. vpoint v1000 1000 0 0.001 vdisplay -dispMode 1 f1000 vfit # Display object with external transformation. # Result presentation jumps while rotating the camera. vdisplay -dispMode 1 f0 vsetlocation f0 1000 0 0 # Display object with external transformation # in Z-layer with translated Origin. # Result presentation does not jump while rotating the camera. vzlayer top -origin 1000 0 0 vdisplay -dispMode 1 -top f0 # check transformation persistence vtrihedron tt vdisplay -top -trihedron topLeft 100 100 tt box zp 40 50 30 vdisplay -top -dispMode 1 -trsfPers zoom -trsfPersPos 1000 0 0 zp # check clippling planes vclipplane pln -equation -1 0 0 1000 -set # check positional lights vlight pntlight -type POSITIONAL -pos 1000 0 0.001 -color RED1 -headlight 0 vremove f1000 vmoveto 220 220 vdrawtext text Text -pos 0 0 0 vdisplay -top text -trsfPers zoomRotate -trsfPersPos 1000 0 0.001 vdump $::imagedir/${::casename}.png