puts "========" puts "AIS_Shape - displaying TopoDS_Face with NULL surface (test case checks there is no crash)" puts "========" pload MODELING VISUALIZATION restore [locate_data_file bug27821_nullsurf.brep] s explode s F # check that sprops and vprops do not crash on NULL surface sprops s vprops s # check that AIS_Shape does not crash on NULL surface vclear vinit View1 vaxo vdisplay -noupdate -dispMode 0 s vaspects s -subshapes s_1 -setcolor RED vdisplay -noupdate -dispMode 1 s vaspects s -unsetFaceBoundary vaspects s -setFaceBoundaryDraw 1 -setFaceBoundaryColor RED -setFaceBoundaryWidth 2 vfit vselect 250 250 vdump $imagedir/${casename}.png