puts "============" puts "CR26680" puts "============" puts "" ########################################################################################## puts "Visualization - Changed behavior of mesh visualization and selection in OMF sample" ########################################################################################## pload VISUALIZATION XDE vinit meshfromstl m [locate_data_file bug26680.stl] meshcolors m elem2 1 vselmode 0 1 vmoveto 200 200 if {[vreadpixel 197 257 name] != "CYAN1 1"} { puts "ERROR: presentation for dynamic highlight of the object is wrong!" } vmoveto 0 0 if {[vreadpixel 197 257 name] != "BLUE2 1"} { puts "ERROR: the object is not unhighlighted after dynamic highlight!" } vselect 200 200 if {[vreadpixel 197 257 name] != "GRAY80 1"} { puts "ERROR: presentation for selection highlight is wrong!" } vselect 0 0 if {[vreadpixel 197 257 name] != "BLUE2 1"} { puts "ERROR: the object is not unhighlighted after selection highlight!" } checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png