puts "============" puts "OCC24717" puts "============" puts "" #################################################################################### # TKOpenGl - globally defined clipping planes blink when operating with view # Test checks that state of clippings always corresponds to a state of viewed # scene. #################################################################################### set check_x 204 set check_y 204 vinit View1 vsetdispmode 1 box b 1 1 1 vdisplay b vmoveto $check_x $check_y vclipplane create pln1 vclipplane set pln1 view Driver1/Viewer1/View1 vclipplane change pln1 equation 0 1 0 0 vfit checkcolor $check_x $check_y 0 1 1 if {$stat != 1} { puts "Error : Viewer clipping is broken." } vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}.png