puts "============" puts "CR24133" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # Development of improvement of dimensions implementation # Diameter dimension ####################################################################### pload VISUALIZATION vfont add [locate_data_file DejaVuSans.ttf] SansFont vinit vpoint diamP1 0 0 0 vpoint diamP2 50 50 0 vpoint diamP3 100 0 0 vcircle circle1 diamP1 diamP2 diamP3 0 verase diamP1 diamP2 diamP3 vdimension dim1 -diameter -shapes circle1 -font SansFont vfit vmoveto 208 205 set x_coord 296 set y_coord 257 checkcolor $x_coord $y_coord 0 1 1 if { $stat != 1 } { puts "Error : Highlighting of diameter dimension with 2d text is wrong." } vinit Viewer2/View2 vcircle circle2 diamP1 diamP2 diamP3 0 vdimension dim2 -diameter -text 3d -shapes circle2 -font SansFont vfit vmoveto 208 205 set x_coord 296 set y_coord 257 checkcolor $x_coord $y_coord 0 1 1 if { $stat != 1 } { puts "Error : Highlighting of diameter dimension with 3d text is wrong." } checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png