puts "==================================" puts "BUC60661" puts "It takes visual check for this BUG" puts "==================================" puts "" pload XDE ################################################################## ##DESCRIPTION: It is impossible to nominate "sheding" mode in 3D-viewer for the some shapes in ## C30 (SUN station), which were stored in "IGES" format previousl and then were retrieved again ## into "BREP" format. ################################################################## restore [locate_data_file buc60661a.brep] buc60661 checkshape buc60661 ###################################################################### file delete ${imagedir}/buc60661.igs } brepiges buc60661 ${imagedir}/buc60661.igs ###################################################################### dall if [catch { igesbrep ${imagedir}/buc60661.igs a * } res] { puts "Faulty BUC60661: here is reading problem of iges file" } else { puts "Reading of iges in BUC60661 is OK" } tpcompound result checkshape result vinit tclean result vdisplay result vsetdispmode result 1 set info [trinfo result] regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +triangles} $info full tri regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +nodes} $info full nod if { $tri == 0 || $nod ==0 } { puts "Error : here is shading problem" } set 3dviewer 1