puts "============" puts "OCC25523" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # Fail to read back solid written to STEP ####################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25523_bad_loopback_step.brep] a checknbshapes a -vertex 30 -edge 54 -wire 32 -face 27 -shell 1 -solid 1 -compsolid 0 -compound 0 -shape 145 -m "Stator model" newmodel set aFile ${imagedir}/bug25523.stp catch { file delete ${aFile} } stepwrite a a ${aFile} stepread ${aFile} b * checknbshapes b_1 -vertex 30 -edge 54 -wire 32 -face 27 -shell 1 -solid 1 -compsolid 0 -compound 0 -shape 145 -m "Stator model" tpstat c ;# reports exception vinit View1 vdisplay a vfit vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}_1.png vinit View2 vdisplay b_1 vfit vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}_2.png