puts "================" puts "OCC32" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################### ## Standard_ConstructionError in Algo of the BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer ####################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC31.brep] sh checkshape sh explode sh f explode sh_1 e if [catch {chamf res sh sh_6_1 sh_6 A 2 45 sh_6_8 sh_6 A 2 45} inf] { if { [regexp "No suitable edges to chamfer" $inf] != 1 } { puts "OK. Chamfer was not build. But suitable message was given" } renamevar res result } else { checkshape res explode res f explode res_1 e #But before chamfer two edges (res_1_4, res_1_5) union should be to make one arc catch {chamf result res res_1_4 res_1 5 5} info if { [regexp "No suitable edges to chamfer" $info] != 1 } { puts "Warning. Chamfer was not build. But suitable message was given" } else { checkshape result checkprops result -s 10 } } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png