pload QAcommands puts "========================" puts "OCC372" puts "BUC61036" puts "========================" puts "" ############################################################### ##BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier classify point to solid as OUT, but the point is inside the solid. ############################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC372.brep] b1 checkshape b1 point p1 6311.4862583184 -2841.3092756034 16.461053497188 set result [OCC299 b1 p1] set ll [llength ${result}] if { ${ll} < 4 } then { puts "OCC372: ERROR 1" } else { regexp {The point is (.*) shape} ${result} full status if {[string compare ${status} "IN"] == 0} then { puts "status = ${status}" puts "OCC372: OK" } else { puts "status = ${status}" puts "Faulty : OCC372" } }