puts "================" puts "OCC23139" puts "================" puts "" ######################################################################################################## # BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet algorithm builds edges with wrong first and last parameters: out of pcurve ######################################################################################################## set BugNumber OCC23139 ### rename to bug23139_aShape_for_fillet.brep restore [locate_data_file bug23139_aShape_for_fillet.brep] b explode b e donly b b_6 blend result b 20 b_6 explode result f #av2d set exception_status [ catch { pcurve result_1 } ] if { ${exception_status} == 0 } { puts "OK ${BugNumber}" } else { puts "Faulty ${BugNumber}" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png checkprops result -l 5558.88 checksection result