puts "============" puts "OCC22809" puts "============" puts "" ############################################################################################################ # BRepIntCS does not find intersections of an ellipsoid and a line passing through it's apex ########################################################################################################### set BugNumber OCC22809 # proc GetPercent {Value GoodValue} { set Percent 0. if {${GoodValue} != 0.} { set Percent [expr abs(${Value} - ${GoodValue}) / abs(double(${GoodValue})) * 100.] } elseif {${Value} != 0.} { set Percent [expr abs(${GoodValue} - ${Value}) / abs(double(${Value})) * 100.] } else { set Percent 0. } return ${Percent} } set percent_max 0.1 # psphere a 100 scalexyz r2 a 2 1 1 line l -0.000001 0.0000000001 -100 0 0 1 BRepIntCS l r2 regexp {.* is a ([A-Za-z0-9]*)} [ whatis brics_1 ] full info1 # N.B. multiple result points are to be processed by other algorithms # Now there are 2 result points set info2 [ whatis brics_2 ] set info2 [ whatis brics_2 ] regexp {.* is a ([A-Za-z0-9]*)} [ whatis brics_2 ] full info2 set word1 [string compare $info1 "point"] set word2 [string compare $info2 "point"] set status_point 0 if { ${word1} == 0 && ${word2} == 0 } { set status_point 0 } else { set status_point 1 } regexp {.* is a ([A-Za-z0-9]*)} [ whatis brics_3 ] full info3 set word3 [string compare $info3 "a"] set status_nb 0 if { ${word3} == 0 } { set status_nb 0 } else { set status_nb 1 # N.B. multiple result points are to be processed by other algorithms set status_nb 0 } set dump1 [ dump brics_1 ] regexp {Point : ([-0-9.+eE]+), ([-0-9.+eE]+), ([-0-9.+eE]+)} $dump1 full x1 y1 z1 set good_x1 -1.000000000000000e-06 set good_y1 1.000000000000000e-10 set good_z1 -1.000000000000000e+02 set status_xyz1 0 set x1_percent [GetPercent ${x1} ${good_x1}] puts "x1_percent = ${x1_percent}" if { ${x1_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "x1: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz1 1 } else { puts "x1: OK ${BugNumber}" } set y1_percent [GetPercent ${y1} ${good_y1}] puts "y1_percent = ${y1_percent}" if { ${y1_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "y1: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz1 1 } else { puts "y1: OK ${BugNumber}" } set z1_percent [GetPercent ${z1} ${good_z1}] puts "z1_percent = ${z1_percent}" if { ${z1_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "z1: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz1 1 } else { puts "z1: OK ${BugNumber}" } set dump2 [ dump brics_2 ] # N.B. multiple result points are to be processed by other algorithms set dump2 [ dump brics_2 ] regexp {Point : ([-0-9.+eE]+), ([-0-9.+eE]+), ([-0-9.+eE]+)} $dump2 full x2 y2 z2 set good_x2 -1.000000000000000e-06 set good_y2 1.000000000000000e-10 set good_z2 1.000000000000000e+02 set status_xyz2 0 set x2_percent [GetPercent ${x2} ${good_x2}] puts "x2_percent = ${x2_percent}" if { ${x2_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "x2: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz2 1 } else { puts "x2: OK ${BugNumber}" } set y2_percent [GetPercent ${y2} ${good_y2}] puts "y2_percent = ${y2_percent}" if { ${y2_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "y2: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz2 1 } else { puts "y2: OK ${BugNumber}" } set z2_percent [GetPercent ${z2} ${good_z2}] puts "z2_percent = ${z2_percent}" if { ${z2_percent} > ${percent_max} } { puts "z2: Faulty ${BugNumber}" set status_xyz2 1 } else { puts "z2: OK ${BugNumber}" } # Resume puts "" if { ${status_point} == 0 && ${status_nb} == 0 && ${status_xyz1} == 0 && ${status_xyz2} == 0 } { puts "OK ${BugNumber}" } else { puts "Faulty ${BugNumber}" }