puts "============" puts "CR23464" puts "============" puts "" ########################################################################################################## # Projection algorithm produces wrong results ########################################################################################################## set int_check 3 set fract_check 1415927 restore [locate_data_file bug23464_c58.brep] c58 restore [locate_data_file bug23464_s37.brep] s37 project result c58 s37 set info [length result] regexp {is +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $info full num set int_part [expr round($num)] set y [expr $num - round($num)] set z [expr $y*10000000] set fract_part [expr round($z)] if { ${int_check} != ${int_part} } { puts "Error : Integer part of result is incorrect" } if { ${fract_check} != ${fract_part} } { puts "Error : Fractional part of result is incorrect" }