puts "TODO CR29596 ALL: Warning: Intersection of pair of shapes has failed" puts "========" puts "30760: Modeling Algorithms - Intersection fails in Occt 7.3.0" puts "========" puts "" restore [locate_data_file bug30760_shapes.brep] a12 # copy the shape to use in other operation # with different order of arguments tcopy a12 a21 explode a12 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects a12_1 baddtools a12_2 bfillds bbop r12_0 0 bbop r12_1 1 bbop r12_2 2 bbop r12_3 3 bbop r12_4 4 bbuild r12_5 explode a21 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects a21_2 baddtools a21_1 bfillds bbop r21_0 0 bbop r21_1 1 bbop r21_3 2; # for different order cut = cut21 bbop r21_2 3; # for different order cut21 = cut bbop r21_4 4 bbuild r21_5 foreach i { 0 1 2 3 4 5} { checkshape r12_$i if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck r12_$i]]} { puts "Error: r12_$i is self-intersecting shape" } checkprops r12_$i -equal r21_$i checknbshapes r12_$i -ref [nbshapes r21_$i] } foreach i { 0 1 2 3 4 5} { checkshape r21_$i if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck r21_$i]]} { puts "Error: r21_$i is self-intersecting shape" } } checkprops r12_0 -s 0.0550925 -v 0.000106046 checknbshapes r12_0 -wire 14 -face 14 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r12_1 -s 0.84475 -v 0.00502274 checknbshapes r12_1 -wire 34 -face 34 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r12_2 -s 0.765963 -v 0.00366102 checknbshapes r12_2 -wire 24 -face 24 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r12_3 -s 0.117011 -v 0.00125568 checknbshapes r12_3 -wire 14 -face 14 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r12_4 -l 1.99738 checksection r12_4 -r 8 checkprops r12_5 -s 0.99316 -v 0.00512878 checknbshapes r12_5 -wire 43 -face 43 -shell 3 -solid 3 -t checkview -display r12_5 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png