puts "========" puts "OCC28388" puts "========" puts "" #################################################################### # Boolean common of simple face and solid results in empty compound #################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug28388_extKO.brep] e explode e whatis e_1 whatis e_2 tolerance e_1 tolerance e_2 checkshape e_1 checkshape e_2 bopcheck e_1 bopcheck e_2 bopargcheck e_1 e_2 -O #F bop e_1 e_2 bopcommon r whatis r explode r checkshape r_1 nbshapes r_1 checkview -display r_1 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}-2d.png checkview -display r_1 -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}-3d.png