puts "TODO OCC25776 ALL: Error : Number of edges is WRONG" puts "============" puts "OCC25776" puts "============" puts "" ############################################################## ## HLR returns intersecting edges in OutLineV of helical sweep ############################################################## restore [locate_data_file bug25776_shape2dhelix1-draw-Shape.brep] Shape hprj Shape2DView_proj 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 houtl Shape2DView_outl Shape hfill Shape2DView_outl Shape2DView_proj 0 hload Shape2DView_outl hsetprj Shape2DView_proj hupdate hhide hres2d # vol_2 and vol_3 - bad edges checknbshapes vol -edge 9 -m "Number of edges" smallview top donly vol fit checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}-2d.png vinit vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay Shape vright vfit checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}-3d-right.png