puts "================" puts "OCC23176" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################################### # Intersection of cylinder and cone produces open curve ####################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug23176_surface1_draw.draw] s1 restore [locate_data_file bug23176_surface2_draw.draw] s2 intersect result s1 s2 # first result curve cvalue result_1 0 x y z vertex v0 x y z cvalue result_1 1 x y z vertex v1 x y z # second result curve cvalue result_2 0 x y z vertex v2 x y z cvalue result_2 1 x y z vertex v3 x y z set tol_abs_dist 1.0e-7 set tol_rel_dist 0.001 distmini d_f v0 v1 regexp {([-0-9.+eE]+)} [dump d_f_val] full dist_1 set expected_dist_1 408.093320004435 checkreal "Length first curve" ${dist_1} ${expected_dist_1} ${tol_abs_dist} ${tol_rel_dist} distmini d_s v2 v3 regexp {([-0-9.+eE]+)} [dump d_s_val] full dist_2 set expected_dist_2 408.093320004435 checkreal "Length second curve" ${dist_2} ${expected_dist_2} ${tol_abs_dist} ${tol_rel_dist} smallview donly result* fit display s1 s2 checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png