puts "============" puts "OCC27179" puts "============" puts "" ############################### ## The algorithm of sharing edges in Boolean operation should be improved ############################### plane pl 0.195808075898442, -0.229262227170656, 4.05546403129991 0 0 1 psphere s1 pl 0.03101752454 restore [locate_data_file bug27128-Helix_Pipe.brep] s2 settolerance s1 2.0e-6 explode s1 f explode s2 f bsection result s1_1 s2_2 smallview donly s1 fit donly result if { [string compare -nocase [checksection result] " nb alone Vertices : 0\n\n"] } { puts "ERROR: the section is not closed" } else { puts "The section is OK" } checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png