puts "==========" puts "OCC21507" puts "==========" puts "" ############################################################ # Bug in BOP: bcut produces invalid result without notice ############################################################ # Demonstrates bug in bcut command pload XDE # Load face puts "Loading face" restore [locate_data_file bug21507_bcut_bug_face.brep] face # Make tool - an elliptic cylinder puts "Constructing tool" ellipse c 10000 0 0 0 1 0 600 300 mkedge e c wire w e tcopy w w1 tcopy w w2 ttranslate w1 0 5000 0 ttranslate w2 0 -5000 0 thrusections tool 1 1 w1 w2 # Check validity of face and tool puts "Checking face: [checkshape face]; [lrange [tolerance face] 0 1]" puts "Checking tool: [checkshape tool]; [lrange [tolerance tool] 0 1]" bopcheck face bopcheck tool # Do cut puts "Running bcut" bcut result face tool # Evaluate result by number of faces (bcut) set rfaces [explode result f] if { [llength $rfaces] != 1 } { puts "Error: [llength $rfaces] faces instead of 1" } else { puts "Result is as expected" } # Do the same using cut puts "Now running old cut" cut rcut face tool # Evaluate result by number of faces (cut) set rcfaces [explode rcut f] if { [llength $rcfaces] != 1 } { puts "Error: [llength $rcfaces] faces instead of 1" } else { puts "Result is as expected" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png