puts "===========" puts "OCC25701" puts "===========" puts "" ###################################################### # Problem with the symmetry of fillet on two perpendicular cylinders ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25701_rx.brep] rx explode rx e smallview donly rx rx_2 rx_5 compound rx_2 rx_5 q fillet x rx 2.5 q explode x e donly x x_9 fit mkcurve cx_9 x_9 set log [dump cx_9] regexp {Degree +([-0-9.+eE]+), +([-0-9.+eE]+) Poles, +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${log} full Degree Poles KnotsPoles puts "Degree=${Degree}" puts "Poles=${Poles}" puts "KnotsPoles=${KnotsPoles}" puts "" set tol_abs 1.e-11 set tol_rel 0.01 set expected_V 0. for {set i 1} {${i} <= ${Poles}} {incr i} { set exp_string " +${i} : +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+), +(\[-0-9.+eE\]+)" regexp ${exp_string} ${log} full U_i V_i puts "i=${i} U_i=${U_i} V_i=${V_i}" checkreal "V_$i" ${V_i} ${expected_V} ${tol_abs} ${tol_rel} } set only_screen_axo 1