puts "============" puts "OCC25298" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # New option of BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset algorithm: processing of sharp corners in mode GeomAbs_Intersection ####################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25225_2869_open.brep] a smallview display a fit if [catch { mkoffset resoffset a 1 10 i } ] { puts "Error : mkoffset is wrong" } else { renamevar resoffset_1 result set length 416.777 set nb_v_good 7 set nb_e_good 7 set nb_w_good 1 set nb_f_good 0 set nb_sh_good 0 set nb_sol_good 0 set nb_compsol_good 0 set nb_compound_good 0 set nb_shape_good 15 display result fit } set only_screen_axo 1