puts "============" puts "OCC24157" puts "============" puts "" ############################################ # Parallelization of assembly part of BO ############################################ restore [locate_data_file bug24157_x_512_solids_glued] b1 tcopy b1 b2 ttranslate b2 3. 4. 5. bclearobjects bcleartools baddcompound b1 baddcompound b2 bfillds regexp { +Tps: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [bbuild result -t] full tps_time if { [regexp {Debug mode} [dversion]] } { set check_time 150 } else { set check_time 87 } if { $tps_time > $check_time } { puts "Error: low performance" } else { puts "OK: high performance" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png