puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: An exception was caught" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Exception" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Faulty BUC60782: mkoffset works wrongly" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : The square of result shape is" puts "========================" puts "BUC60782" puts "CASE 3" puts "========================" puts "" puts "Results of Geom2d_OffsetCurve are sometimes strange (not correct). " puts "" restore [locate_data_file buc60782c.brep] a set che [checkshape a] if { [regexp {Faulty} $che ] == 1 } { puts "Faulty BUC60782 (case 3): Source shape is invalid" } else { puts "BUC60782 OK (case 3): Sourse shape is correct" } set che [checkshape a rr] if { [regexp {OK} $che ] != 1 } { puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in SOURCE shape by checkshape command" puts "Body of the script was not executed" } else { puts "Checking of SOURCE shape by checkshape - OK" if [catch { mkoffset result a 1 10 } catch_result] { puts "Faulty BUC60782: mkoffset works wrongly" renamevar a result } else { puts "OK BUC60782: offset is created" tpcompound result } } set square 0 set 2dviewer 0