puts "==============" puts "BUC60555" puts "CUT Case 3" puts "==============" cpulimit 5000 restore [locate_data_file buc60555a.brep] part checkshape part restore [locate_data_file buc60555b.brep] trTool1 checkshape trTool1 halfspace hs1 trTool1 20000 10000 0 bcut cut1 part hs1 checkshape cut1 set che [checkshape cut1 r] if { [regexp {OK} $che] != 1 } { puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in checked shape by checkshape command" } else { puts "Checking by checkshape - OK" } maxtolerance cut1 restore [locate_data_file buc60555c.brep] trTool2 halfspace hs2 trTool2 10000 10000 0 bcut cut2 cut1 hs2 checkshape cut2 set che [checkshape cut2 r] if { [regexp {OK} $che] != 1 } { puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in checked shape by checkshape command" } else { puts "Checking by checkshape - OK" } maxtolerance cut2 restore [locate_data_file buc60555d.brep] trTool3 halfspace hs3 trTool3 20000 1000 0 bcut cut3 cut2 hs3 tcopy cut3 result explode cut3 e mkcurve cu1 cut3_1 mkcurve cu2 cut3_2 mkcurve cu3 cut3_3 mkcurve cu4 cut3_4 set che [checkshape cut3 r] if { [regexp {OK} $che] != 1 } { puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in checked shape by checkshape command" } else { puts "Checking by checkshape - OK" } checkshape cut3 set tolerance [ maxtolerance cut3 ] regexp { +Face +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxFaceTolerance regexp { +Edge +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxEdgeTolerance regexp { +Vertex +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxVertexTolerance if { $MaxFaceTolerance > 2 || $MaxEdgeTolerance > 2 || $MaxVertexTolerance > 2 } { puts "Faulty : Tolerance of shape is more then 2.0" } else { puts "Tolerance of shape is less then 2.0" } checkprops result -s 1.24886e+007 checkshape result checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png