puts "TODO CR25738 ALL: Not connected mesh inside face" puts "TODO CR25738 ALL: Error: BRepMesh fails to produce correct mesh for the face" puts "=========" puts "CR25738" puts "=========" puts "" ###################################################### # BRepMesh fails to produce correct mesh for the face ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug25738_face1736.brep] a incmesh a 1 -a 20 front fit isos a 0 triangles a trinfo a set info [tricheck a] set pattern "Free_links +(\[0-9\]+) +Cross_face_errors +(\[0-9\]+) +Async_edges +(\[0-9\]+) +Free_nodes +(\[0-9\]+)" regexp "${pattern}" $info full freelinks crossfaces asyncedges freenodes if { $freenodes > 0 } { puts "Error: BRepMesh fails to produce correct mesh for the face" } checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}-2d.png