puts "========" puts "OCC29391" puts "========" puts "" ########################################################################## # transormations for few entities with type 144 are missing ########################################################################## igesbrep [locate_data_file bug29391.igs] a * explode a set nbshapes_expected " Number of shapes in shape VERTEX : 37090 EDGE : 37571 WIRE : 6695 FACE : 6290 SHELL : 0 SOLID : 0 COMPSOLID : 0 COMPOUND : 1 SHAPE : 87647 " checknbshapes a -ref ${nbshapes_expected} -t -m "importing file" set sprops_s [sprops a_5284] set CX -71.5 set CY 20.4285 set CZ 15.6103 regexp {X += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $sprops_s full resCX regexp {Y += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $sprops_s full resCY regexp {Z += +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $sprops_s full resCZ if { ([expr abs($CX - $resCX)] > 1.e-7) || ([expr abs($CY - $resCY)] > 1.e-7) || ([expr abs($CZ - $resCZ)] > 1.e-7) } { puts "Error: Tranfrormation problem - translation along X is wrong." }