puts "============" puts "OCC12567" puts "============" puts "" ###################################################### # Swapped first/last vertices or incorrect curve orientation after reading IGES file ###################################################### igesbrep [locate_data_file bug12567.igs] a * set tolerance [ maxtolerance a ] regexp { +Face +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxFaceTolerance regexp { +Edge +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxEdgeTolerance regexp { +Vertex +: +Min +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Max +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $tolerance full MaxVertexTolerance if { $MaxFaceTolerance > 1e-7 || $MaxEdgeTolerance > 1e-7 || $MaxVertexTolerance > 1e-7 } { puts "Faulty : Tolerance of shape is more then 1e-7" } else { puts "Tolerance of shape is <= then 1e-7" } view 1 -2D- 728 450 400 400 pcurve a 2dfit checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png