puts "====================" puts "BUC60625" puts "====================" puts "==================================" puts "It takes visual check for this BUG" puts "==================================" cpulimit 1500 set l [igesbrep [locate_data_file BUC60625-1.igs] a xst-transferrable-roots] tpcompound result checkshape result r set start [lindex $l 60] set bug_list_numb [ llength $l ] set bug_list_elem 0 # Search word sequence: Nb entities selected : XXXX while { $bug_list_elem < $bug_list_numb } { if { [ string compare "Nb" [ lindex $l $bug_list_elem ] ] == 0 && [ string compare "entities" [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 1 } ] ] ] == 0 && [ string compare "selected" [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 2 } ] ] ] == 0 && [ string compare ":" [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 3 } ] ] ] == 0 } { set start [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 4 } ] ] set bug_list_elem [ expr { $bug_list_numb - 1 } ] } set bug_list_elem [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 1 } ] } # Search word sequence: Nb Shapes successfully produced : XXXX set end [lindex $l 0] set bug_list_elem 0 while { $bug_list_elem < $bug_list_numb } { set word_0 [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 0 } ] ] set word_1 [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 1 } ] ] set word_2 [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 2 } ] ] set word_3 [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 3 } ] ] set word_4 [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 4 } ] ] if { [ string compare "Nb" ${word_0} ] == 0 && [ string compare "Shapes" ${word_1} ] == 0 && [ string compare "successfully" ${word_2} ] == 0 && [ string compare "produced" ${word_3} ] == 0 && [ string compare ":" ${word_4} ] == 0 } { set end [ lindex $l [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 5 } ] ] set bug_list_elem [ expr { $bug_list_numb - 1 } ] } set bug_list_elem [ expr { $bug_list_elem + 1 } ] } if { $start != $end } { puts " Error : The number of visible roots ($start) IS NOT EQUAL Nb Shapes successfully produced ($end)" } else { puts " The number of visible roots ($start) IS EQUAL Nb Shapes successfully produced ($end)" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png