// Created by: Kirill Gavrilov // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. #ifndef _OSD_ThreadPool_HeaderFile #define _OSD_ThreadPool_HeaderFile #include #include #include #include #include //! Class defining a thread pool for executing algorithms in multi-threaded mode. //! Thread pool allocates requested amount of threads and keep them alive //! (in sleep mode when unused) during thread pool lifetime. //! The same pool can be used by multiple consumers, //! including nested multi-threading algorithms and concurrent threads: //! - Thread pool can be used either by multi-threaded algorithm by creating OSD_ThreadPool::Launcher. //! The functor performing a job takes two parameters - Thread Index and Data Index: //! void operator(int theThreadIndex, int theDataIndex){} //! Multi-threaded algorithm may rely on Thread Index for allocating thread-local variables in array form, //! since the Thread Index is guaranteed to be within range OSD_ThreadPool::Lower() and OSD_ThreadPool::Upper(). //! - Default thread pool (OSD_ThreadPool::DefaultPool()) can be used in general case, //! but application may prefer creating a dedicated pool for better control. //! - Default thread pool allocates the amount of threads considering concurrency //! level of the system (amount of logical processors). //! This can be overridden during OSD_ThreadPool construction or by calling OSD_ThreadPool::Init() //! (the pool should not be used!). //! - OSD_ThreadPool::Launcher reserves specific amount of threads from the pool for executing multi-threaded Job. //! Normally, single Launcher instance will occupy all threads available in thread pool, //! so that nested multi-threaded algorithms (within the same thread) //! and concurrent threads trying to use the same thread pool will run sequentially. //! This behavior is affected by OSD_ThreadPool::NbDefaultThreadsToLaunch() parameter //! and Launcher constructor, so that single Launcher instance will occupy not all threads //! in the pool allowing other threads to be used concurrently. //! - OSD_ThreadPool::Launcher locks thread one-by-one from thread pool in a thread-safe way. //! - Each working thread catches exceptions occurred during job execution, and Launcher will //! throw Standard_Failure in a caller thread on completed execution. class OSD_ThreadPool : public Standard_Transient { DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(OSD_ThreadPool, Standard_Transient) public: //! Return (or create) a default thread pool. //! Number of threads argument will be considered only when called first time. Standard_EXPORT static const Handle(OSD_ThreadPool)& DefaultPool (int theNbThreads = -1); public: //! Main constructor. //! Application may consider specifying more threads than actually //! available (OSD_Parallel::NbLogicalProcessors()) and set up NbDefaultThreadsToLaunch() to a smaller value //! so that concurrent threads will be able using single Thread Pool instance more efficiently. //! @param theNbThreads threads number to be created by pool //! (if -1 is specified then OSD_Parallel::NbLogicalProcessors() will be used) Standard_EXPORT OSD_ThreadPool (int theNbThreads = -1); //! Destructor. Standard_EXPORT virtual ~OSD_ThreadPool(); //! Return TRUE if at least 2 threads are available (including self-thread). bool HasThreads() const { return NbThreads() >= 2; } //! Return the lower thread index. int LowerThreadIndex() const { return 0; } //! Return the upper thread index (last index is reserved for self-thread). int UpperThreadIndex() const { return LowerThreadIndex() + myThreads.Size(); } //! Return the number of threads; >= 1. int NbThreads() const { return myThreads.Size() + 1; } //! Return maximum number of threads to be locked by a single Launcher object by default; //! the entire thread pool size is returned by default. int NbDefaultThreadsToLaunch() const { return myNbDefThreads; } //! Set maximum number of threads to be locked by a single Launcher object by default. //! Should be set BEFORE first usage. void SetNbDefaultThreadsToLaunch (int theNbThreads) { myNbDefThreads = theNbThreads; } //! Checks if thread pools has active consumers. Standard_EXPORT bool IsInUse(); //! Reinitialize the thread pool with a different number of threads. //! Should be called only with no active jobs, or exception Standard_ProgramError will be thrown! Standard_EXPORT void Init (int theNbThreads); protected: //! Thread function interface. class JobInterface { public: virtual void Perform (int theThreadIndex) = 0; }; //! Thread with back reference to thread pool and thread index in it. class EnumeratedThread : public OSD_Thread { friend class OSD_ThreadPool; public: //! Main constructor. EnumeratedThread (bool theIsSelfThread = false) : myPool (NULL), myJob (NULL), myWakeEvent (false), myIdleEvent (false), myThreadIndex (0), myUsageCounter(0), myIsStarted (false), myToCatchFpe (false), myIsSelfThread (theIsSelfThread) {} //! Occupy this thread for thread pool launcher. //! @return TRUE on success, or FALSE if thread has been already occupied Standard_EXPORT bool Lock(); //! Release this thread for thread pool launcher; should be called only after successful OccupyThread(). Standard_EXPORT void Free(); //! Wake up the thread. Standard_EXPORT void WakeUp (JobInterface* theJob, bool theToCatchFpe); //! Wait the thread going into Idle state (finished jobs). Standard_EXPORT void WaitIdle(); public: //! Copy constructor. EnumeratedThread (const EnumeratedThread& theCopy) : OSD_Thread(), myPool (NULL), myJob (NULL), myWakeEvent (false), myIdleEvent (false), myThreadIndex (0), myUsageCounter(0), myIsStarted (false), myToCatchFpe (false), myIsSelfThread (false) { Assign (theCopy); } //! Assignment operator. EnumeratedThread& operator= (const EnumeratedThread& theCopy) { Assign (theCopy); return *this; } //! Assignment operator. void Assign (const EnumeratedThread& theCopy) { OSD_Thread::Assign (theCopy); myPool = theCopy.myPool; myJob = theCopy.myJob; myThreadIndex = theCopy.myThreadIndex; myToCatchFpe = theCopy.myToCatchFpe; myIsSelfThread = theCopy.myIsSelfThread; } private: //! Method is executed in the context of thread. void performThread(); //! Method is executed in the context of thread. static Standard_Address runThread (Standard_Address theTask); private: OSD_ThreadPool* myPool; JobInterface* myJob; Handle(Standard_Failure) myFailure; Standard_Condition myWakeEvent; Standard_Condition myIdleEvent; int myThreadIndex; volatile int myUsageCounter; bool myIsStarted; bool myToCatchFpe; bool myIsSelfThread; }; public: //! Launcher object locking a subset of threads (or all threads) //! in a thread pool to perform parallel execution of the job. class Launcher { public: //! Lock specified number of threads from the thread pool. //! If thread pool is already locked by another user, //! Launcher will lock as many threads as possible //! (if none will be locked, then single threaded execution will be done). //! @param thePool thread pool to lock the threads //! @param theMaxThreads number of threads to lock; //! -1 specifies that default number of threads //! to be used OSD_ThreadPool::NbDefaultThreadsToLaunch() Standard_EXPORT Launcher (OSD_ThreadPool& thePool, int theMaxThreads = -1); //! Release threads. ~Launcher() { Release(); } //! Return TRUE if at least 2 threads have been locked for parallel execution (including self-thread); //! otherwise, the functor will be executed within the caller thread. bool HasThreads() const { return myNbThreads >= 2; } //! Return amount of locked threads; >= 1. int NbThreads() const { return myNbThreads; } //! Return the lower thread index. int LowerThreadIndex() const { return 0; } //! Return the upper thread index (last index is reserved for the self-thread). int UpperThreadIndex() const { return LowerThreadIndex() + myNbThreads - 1; } //! Simple primitive for parallelization of "for" loops, e.g.: //! @code //! for (int anIter = theBegin; anIter < theEnd; ++anIter) {} //! @endcode //! @param theBegin the first data index (inclusive) //! @param theEnd the last data index (exclusive) //! @param theFunctor functor providing an interface //! "void operator(int theThreadIndex, int theDataIndex){}" performing task for specified index template void Perform (int theBegin, int theEnd, const Functor& theFunctor) { JobRange aData (theBegin, theEnd); Job aJob (theFunctor, aData); perform (aJob); } //! Release threads before Launcher destruction. Standard_EXPORT void Release(); protected: //! Execute job. Standard_EXPORT void perform (JobInterface& theJob); //! Initialize job and start threads. Standard_EXPORT void run (JobInterface& theJob); //! Wait threads execution. Standard_EXPORT void wait(); private: Launcher (const Launcher& theCopy); Launcher& operator=(const Launcher& theCopy); private: NCollection_Array1 myThreads; //!< array of locked threads (including self-thread) EnumeratedThread mySelfThread; int myNbThreads; //!< amount of locked threads }; protected: //! Auxiliary class which ensures exclusive access to iterators of processed data pool. class JobRange { public: //! Constructor JobRange (const int& theBegin, const int& theEnd) : myBegin(theBegin), myEnd (theEnd), myIt (theBegin) {} //! Returns const link on the first element. const int& Begin() const { return myBegin; } //! Returns const link on the last element. const int& End() const { return myEnd; } //! Returns first non processed element or end. //! Thread-safe method. int It() const { return Standard_Atomic_Increment (reinterpret_cast(&myIt)) - 1; } private: JobRange (const JobRange& theCopy); JobRange& operator=(const JobRange& theCopy); private: const int& myBegin; //!< First element of range const int& myEnd; //!< Last element of range mutable int myIt; //!< First non processed element of range }; //! Auxiliary wrapper class for thread function. template class Job : public JobInterface { public: //! Constructor. Job (const FunctorT& thePerformer, JobRange& theRange) : myPerformer (thePerformer), myRange (theRange) {} //! Method is executed in the context of thread. virtual void Perform (int theThreadIndex) Standard_OVERRIDE { for (Standard_Integer anIter = myRange.It(); anIter < myRange.End(); anIter = myRange.It()) { myPerformer (theThreadIndex, anIter); } } private: Job (const Job& theCopy); Job& operator=(const Job& theCopy); private: //! @name private fields const FunctorT& myPerformer; //!< Link on functor const JobRange& myRange; //!< Link on processed data block }; //! Release threads. void release(); //! Perform the job and catch exceptions. static void performJob (Handle(Standard_Failure)& theFailure, OSD_ThreadPool::JobInterface* theJob, int theThreadIndex); private: //! This method should not be called (prohibited). OSD_ThreadPool (const OSD_ThreadPool& theCopy); //! This method should not be called (prohibited). OSD_ThreadPool& operator= (const OSD_ThreadPool& theCopy); private: NCollection_Array1 myThreads; //!< array of defined threads (excluding self-thread) int myNbDefThreads; //!< maximum number of threads to be locked by a single Launcher by default bool myShutDown; //!< flag to shut down (destroy) the thread pool }; #endif // _OSD_ThreadPool_HeaderFile