// Copyright: Matra-Datavision 1991 // File: Draw_Display.cxx // Created: Mon Jul 15 10:58:59 1991 // Author: Arnaud BOUZY // #include #include extern Standard_Boolean Draw_Bounds; //======================================================================= //function : DrawMarker //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::DrawMarker (const gp_Pnt& pt, const Draw_MarkerShape S, const Standard_Integer Size) { gp_Pnt2d p; Project(pt,p); DrawMarker(p,S,Size); } //======================================================================= //function : DrawMarker //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::DrawMarker (const gp_Pnt2d& pt, const Draw_MarkerShape S, const Standard_Integer ISize) { Draw_Bounds = Standard_False; gp_Pnt2d p1 = pt; gp_Pnt2d p2 = p1; gp_Circ2d C; Standard_Real Size = ((Standard_Real) ISize) / Zoom(); switch (S) { case Draw_Square : p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-Size,-Size)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d( Size,-Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(2*Size,2*Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-2*Size,2*Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-2*Size,-2*Size)); Draw(p1,p2); break; case Draw_Losange : p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-Size,0)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d( 0,Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(2*Size,0)); Draw(p1,p2); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d(0,-2*Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-2*Size,0)); Draw(p1,p2); break; case Draw_X : p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-Size,-Size)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d( Size,Size)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(2*Size,0)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-2*Size,0)); Draw(p1,p2); break; case Draw_Plus : p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-Size,0)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d( Size,0)); Draw(p1,p2); p1.Translate(gp_Vec2d(Size,Size)); p2.Translate(gp_Vec2d(-Size,-Size)); Draw(p1,p2); break; case Draw_Circle : // gp_Circ2d C; C.SetRadius(ISize); C.SetLocation(pt); Draw(C, 0, 2*PI, Standard_False); break; #ifndef DEB default: break; #endif } Draw_Bounds = Standard_True; MoveTo(pt); } //======================================================================= //function : DrawMarker //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::DrawMarker (const gp_Pnt& pt, const Draw_MarkerShape S, const Standard_Real Size) { gp_Pnt2d p; Project(pt,p); DrawMarker(p,S,Size); } //======================================================================= //function : DrawMarker //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::DrawMarker (const gp_Pnt2d& pt, const Draw_MarkerShape S, const Standard_Real R) { switch (S) { case Draw_Square : case Draw_Losange : case Draw_X : case Draw_Plus : case Draw_Circle : { Standard_Integer I = (Standard_Integer ) R; if(!I) return; DrawMarker(pt, S, I); break; } case Draw_CircleZoom : if(R == 0.0) return; gp_Circ2d C; C.SetRadius(R); C.SetLocation(pt); // if the circus is too small, a "plus" is drawn to mark the point Standard_Boolean b = (R * Zoom()) > 2; if(b) Draw(C, 0, 2*PI); else DrawMarker(pt, Draw_Plus); } Draw_Bounds = Standard_True; MoveTo(pt); } #define MAXPNT 200 #define DEFLECTION 5 //======================================================================= //function : Draw //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::Draw(const gp_Circ& C, const Standard_Real A1,const Standard_Real A3, const Standard_Boolean ModifyWithZoom) { Standard_Real A2 = A3; while (A2 < A1) A2 += 2*PI; Standard_Real angle = DEFLECTION / (C.Radius() * Zoom()); Standard_Integer n = (Standard_Integer )( (A2 - A1) / angle); if (n > MAXPNT) { angle = (A2 - A1) / MAXPNT; n = MAXPNT; } if (n <= 6) { angle = (A2 - A1) / 6; n = 6; } Standard_Real c = 2*Cos(angle); gp_Circ Cloc(C); if(!ModifyWithZoom) { Standard_Integer ISize = (Standard_Integer )( Cloc.Radius() / Zoom()); Cloc.SetRadius(ISize); } gp_Pnt PC = Cloc.Location(); gp_Pnt P = ElCLib::Value(A1,Cloc); MoveTo(P); gp_Vec V1(PC,P); P = ElCLib::Value(A1+angle,Cloc); gp_Vec V2(PC,P); DrawTo(P); gp_Vec V; for (Standard_Integer i = 2; i < n; i++) { V = c * V2 - V1; V1 = V2; V2 = V; DrawTo(PC.Translated(V)); } P = ElCLib::Value(A2,Cloc); DrawTo(P); } //======================================================================= //function : Draw //purpose : //======================================================================= void Draw_Display::Draw(const gp_Circ2d& C, const Standard_Real A1, const Standard_Real A3, const Standard_Boolean ModifyWithZoom) { Standard_Real A2 = A3; while (A2 < A1) A2 += 2*PI; Standard_Real angle = DEFLECTION / (C.Radius() * Zoom()); Standard_Integer n = (Standard_Integer )( (A2 - A1) / angle); if (n > MAXPNT) { angle = (A2 - A1) / MAXPNT; n = MAXPNT; } else if (n <= 6) { angle = (A2 - A1) / 6; n = 6; } Standard_Real c = 2*Cos(angle); gp_Circ2d Cloc(C); if(!ModifyWithZoom) {// the effet of zoom is cancelled to follow Standard_Real Size = Cloc.Radius() / Zoom(); Cloc.SetRadius(Size); } gp_Pnt2d PC = Cloc.Location(); gp_Pnt2d P = ElCLib::Value(A1,Cloc); MoveTo(P); gp_Vec2d V1(PC,P); P = ElCLib::Value(A1+angle,Cloc); gp_Vec2d V2(PC,P); DrawTo(P); gp_Vec2d V; for (Standard_Integer i = 2; i < n; i++) { V = c * V2 - V1; V1 = V2; V2 = V; DrawTo(PC.Translated(V)); } P = ElCLib::Value(A2,Cloc); DrawTo(P); } //======================================================================= //function : Project //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Pnt2d Draw_Display::Project(const gp_Pnt& p) const { gp_Pnt2d pt; Project(p,pt); return pt; }