// Created on: 2015-02-03 // Copyright (c) 2015 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(AIS_ColorScale, AIS_InteractiveObject) namespace { //! Method to add colored quad into array of triangles. static void addColoredQuad (const Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles)& theTris, const Standard_Integer theXLeft, const Standard_Integer theYBottom, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Quantity_Color& theColorBottom, const Quantity_Color& theColorTop) { const Standard_Integer aVertIndex = theTris->VertexNumber() + 1; theTris->AddVertex (gp_Pnt (theXLeft, theYBottom, 0.0), theColorBottom); theTris->AddVertex (gp_Pnt (theXLeft + theSizeX, theYBottom, 0.0), theColorBottom); theTris->AddVertex (gp_Pnt (theXLeft, theYBottom + theSizeY, 0.0), theColorTop); theTris->AddVertex (gp_Pnt (theXLeft + theSizeX, theYBottom + theSizeY, 0.0), theColorTop); theTris->AddEdges (aVertIndex, aVertIndex + 1, aVertIndex + 2); theTris->AddEdges (aVertIndex + 1, aVertIndex + 2, aVertIndex + 3); } //! Compute hue angle from specified value. static Quantity_Color colorFromValueEx (const Standard_Real theValue, const Standard_Real theMin, const Standard_Real theMax, const Graphic3d_Vec3d& theHlsMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3d& theHlsMax) { const Standard_Real aValueDelta = theMax - theMin; Standard_Real aValue = 0.0; if (aValueDelta != 0.0) { aValue = (theValue - theMin) / aValueDelta; } Standard_Real aHue = NCollection_Lerp::Interpolate (theHlsMin[0], theHlsMax[0], aValue); Standard_Real aLightness = NCollection_Lerp::Interpolate (theHlsMin[1], theHlsMax[1], aValue); Standard_Real aSaturation = NCollection_Lerp::Interpolate (theHlsMin[2], theHlsMax[2], aValue); return Quantity_Color (AIS_ColorScale::hueToValidRange (aHue), aLightness, aSaturation, Quantity_TOC_HLS); } } //======================================================================= //function : AIS_ColorScale //purpose : //======================================================================= AIS_ColorScale::AIS_ColorScale() : myMin (0.0), myMax (1.0), myColorHlsMin (230.0, 1.0, 1.0), myColorHlsMax (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), myFormat ("%.4g"), myNbIntervals (10), myColorType (Aspect_TOCSD_AUTO), myLabelType (Aspect_TOCSD_AUTO), myIsLabelAtBorder (Standard_True), myIsReversed (Standard_False), myIsLogarithmic (Standard_False), myIsSmooth (Standard_False), myLabelPos (Aspect_TOCSP_RIGHT), myTitlePos (Aspect_TOCSP_LEFT), myXPos (0), myYPos (0), myBreadth (0), myHeight (0), mySpacing (5), myTextHeight (20) { SetDisplayMode (0); myDrawer->SetupOwnShadingAspect(); myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetShadingModel (Graphic3d_TOSM_UNLIT); myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetAlphaMode (Graphic3d_AlphaMode_Opaque); myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetInteriorColor (Quantity_NOC_WHITE); } //======================================================================= //function : GetLabel //purpose : //======================================================================= TCollection_ExtendedString AIS_ColorScale::GetLabel (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const { if (myLabelType == Aspect_TOCSD_USER) { if (theIndex >= myLabels.Lower() || theIndex <= myLabels.Upper()) { return myLabels.Value(theIndex); } return TCollection_ExtendedString(); } // value to be shown depends on label position const Standard_Real aVal = myIsLabelAtBorder ? GetIntervalValue (theIndex - 1) : (0.5 * (GetIntervalValue (theIndex - 1) + GetIntervalValue (theIndex))); char aBuf[1024]; sprintf (aBuf, myFormat.ToCString(), aVal); return TCollection_ExtendedString (aBuf); } //======================================================================= //function : GetIntervalColor //purpose : //======================================================================= Quantity_Color AIS_ColorScale::GetIntervalColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const { if (myColorType== Aspect_TOCSD_USER) { if (theIndex <= 0 || theIndex > myColors.Length()) { return Quantity_Color(); } return myColors.Value (theIndex); } return colorFromValue (theIndex - 1, 0, myNbIntervals - 1); } //======================================================================= //function : GetLabels //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::GetLabels (TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString& theLabels) const { theLabels.Clear(); for (TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString::Iterator aLabIter (myLabels); aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next()) { theLabels.Append (aLabIter.Value()); } } //======================================================================= //function : GetColors //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::GetColors (Aspect_SequenceOfColor& theColors) const { theColors.Clear(); for (Aspect_SequenceOfColor::Iterator aColorIter (myColors); aColorIter.More(); aColorIter.Next()) { theColors.Append (aColorIter.Value()); } } //======================================================================= //function : SetRange //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetRange (const Standard_Real theMin, const Standard_Real theMax) { myMin = Min (theMin, theMax); myMax = Max (theMin, theMax); } //======================================================================= //function : SetNumberOfIntervals //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetNumberOfIntervals (const Standard_Integer theNum) { if (theNum < 1) { return; } myNbIntervals = theNum; } //======================================================================= //function : SetLabel //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetLabel (const TCollection_ExtendedString& theLabel, const Standard_Integer theIndex) { const Standard_Integer aLabIndex = (theIndex <= 0 ? myLabels.Length() + 1 : theIndex); while (myLabels.Length() < aLabIndex) { myLabels.Append (TCollection_ExtendedString()); } myLabels.SetValue (aLabIndex, theLabel); } //======================================================================= //function : SetIntervalColor //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetIntervalColor (const Quantity_Color& theColor, const Standard_Integer theIndex) { const Standard_Integer aColorIndex = (theIndex <= 0 ? myColors.Length() + 1 : theIndex); while (myColors.Length() < aColorIndex) { myColors.Append (Quantity_Color()); } myColors.SetValue (aColorIndex, theColor); } //======================================================================= //function : SetLabels //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetLabels (const TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString& theSeq) { myLabels.Clear(); for (TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString::Iterator aLabIter (theSeq); aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next()) { myLabels.Append (aLabIter.Value()); } } //======================================================================= //function : SetColors //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SetColors (const Aspect_SequenceOfColor& theSeq) { myColors.Clear(); for (Aspect_SequenceOfColor::Iterator aColorIter (theSeq); aColorIter.More(); aColorIter.Next()) { myColors.Append (aColorIter.Value()); } } //======================================================================= //function : SizeHint //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::SizeHint (Standard_Integer& theWidth, Standard_Integer& theHeight) const { const Standard_Integer aTextHeight = TextHeight (""); const Standard_Integer aColorWidth = 20; Standard_Integer aTextWidth = 0; if (myLabelPos != Aspect_TOCSP_NONE) { for (Standard_Integer aLabIter = (myIsLabelAtBorder ? 0 : 1); aLabIter <= myNbIntervals; ++aLabIter) { aTextWidth = Max (aTextWidth, TextWidth (GetLabel (aLabIter))); } } const Standard_Integer aScaleWidth = aColorWidth + aTextWidth + (aTextWidth ? 3 : 2) * mySpacing; const Standard_Integer aScaleHeight = (Standard_Integer)(1.5 * (myNbIntervals + (myIsLabelAtBorder ? 2 : 1)) * aTextHeight); Standard_Integer aTitleWidth = 0; Standard_Integer aTitleHeight = 0; if (!myTitle.IsEmpty()) { aTitleHeight = TextHeight (myTitle) + mySpacing; aTitleWidth = TextWidth (myTitle) + mySpacing * 2; } theWidth = Max (aTitleWidth, aScaleWidth); theHeight = aScaleHeight + aTitleHeight; } //======================================================================= //function : GetIntervalValue //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real AIS_ColorScale::GetIntervalValue (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const { if (myNbIntervals <= 0) { return 0.0; } if (IsLogarithmic()) { Standard_Real aMin = myMin > 0 ? myMin : 1.0; Standard_Real aDivisor = std::pow (myMax / aMin, 1.0 / myNbIntervals); return aMin * std::pow (aDivisor,theIndex); } Standard_Real aNum = 0; if (myNbIntervals > 0) { aNum = GetMin() + theIndex * (Abs (GetMax() - GetMin()) / myNbIntervals); } return aNum; } //======================================================================= //function : colorFromValue //purpose : //======================================================================= Quantity_Color AIS_ColorScale::colorFromValue (const Standard_Real theValue, const Standard_Real theMin, const Standard_Real theMax) const { return colorFromValueEx (theValue, theMin, theMax, myColorHlsMin, myColorHlsMax); } //======================================================================= //function : FindColor //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean AIS_ColorScale::FindColor (const Standard_Real theValue, Quantity_Color& theColor) const { if (theValue < myMin || theValue > myMax || myMax < myMin) { theColor = Quantity_Color(); return Standard_False; } if (myColorType == Aspect_TOCSD_USER) { Standard_Integer anIndex = 0; if (Abs (myMax - myMin) > Precision::Approximation()) { anIndex = (theValue - myMin < Precision::Confusion()) ? 1 : Standard_Integer (Ceiling (( theValue - myMin ) / ( (myMax - myMin) / myNbIntervals))); } if (anIndex <= 0 || anIndex > myColors.Length()) { theColor = Quantity_Color(); return Standard_False; } theColor = myColors.Value (anIndex); return Standard_True; } return FindColor (theValue, myMin, myMax, myNbIntervals, theColor); } //======================================================================= //function : FindColor //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean AIS_ColorScale::FindColor (const Standard_Real theValue, const Standard_Real theMin, const Standard_Real theMax, const Standard_Integer theColorsCount, const Graphic3d_Vec3d& theColorHlsMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3d& theColorHlsMax, Quantity_Color& theColor) { if (theValue < theMin || theValue > theMax || theMax < theMin) { return Standard_False; } Standard_Real anInterval = 0.0; if (Abs (theMax - theMin) > Precision::Approximation()) { anInterval = Floor (Standard_Real (theColorsCount) * (theValue - theMin) / (theMax - theMin)); } theColor = colorFromValueEx (anInterval, 0, theColorsCount - 1, theColorHlsMin, theColorHlsMax); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : computeMaxLabelWidth //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer AIS_ColorScale::computeMaxLabelWidth (const TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString& theLabels) const { { Handle(V3d_Viewer) aViewer = GetContext()->CurrentViewer(); aViewer->InitActiveViews(); // for AIS_ColorScale::TextSize() } Standard_Integer aWidthMax = 0; for (TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString::Iterator aLabIter (theLabels); aLabIter.More(); aLabIter.Next()) { if (!aLabIter.Value().IsEmpty()) { aWidthMax = Max (aWidthMax, TextWidth (aLabIter.Value())); } } return aWidthMax; } //======================================================================= //function : updateTextAspect //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::updateTextAspect() { // update text aspect const Quantity_Color aFgColor (hasOwnColor ? myDrawer->Color() : Quantity_NOC_WHITE); if (!myDrawer->HasOwnTextAspect()) { myDrawer->SetTextAspect (new Prs3d_TextAspect()); *myDrawer->TextAspect()->Aspect() = *myDrawer->Link()->TextAspect()->Aspect(); } const Handle(Prs3d_TextAspect)& anAspect = myDrawer->TextAspect(); anAspect->SetColor (aFgColor); anAspect->SetHeight (myTextHeight); anAspect->SetHorizontalJustification (Graphic3d_HTA_LEFT); anAspect->SetVerticalJustification (Graphic3d_VTA_BOTTOM); anAspect->Aspect()->SetTextZoomable (Standard_True); } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::Compute (const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& , const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs, const Standard_Integer theMode) { if (theMode != 0) { return; } // update text aspect updateTextAspect(); const Standard_Integer aTitleOffset = !myTitle.IsEmpty() ? (myTextHeight + mySpacing) : 0; const Standard_Integer aBarYOffset = myTextHeight / 2 + 2 * mySpacing; // a half-label offset const Standard_Integer aBarBottom = myYPos + aBarYOffset; const Standard_Integer aBarTop = myYPos + myHeight - aTitleOffset - aBarYOffset; const Standard_Integer aBarHeight = aBarTop - aBarBottom; TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString aLabels; if (myLabelType == Aspect_TOCSD_USER) { aLabels = myLabels; } else { const Standard_Integer aNbLabels = myIsLabelAtBorder ? myNbIntervals + 1 : myNbIntervals; for (Standard_Integer aLabIter = 1; aLabIter <= aNbLabels; ++aLabIter) { if (myIsReversed) { aLabels.Prepend (GetLabel (aLabIter)); } else { aLabels.Append (GetLabel (aLabIter)); } } } const Standard_Integer aTextWidth = myLabelPos != Aspect_TOCSP_NONE ? computeMaxLabelWidth (aLabels) : 0; Standard_Integer aColorBreadth = Max (5, Min (20, myBreadth - aTextWidth - 3 * mySpacing)); if (myLabelPos == Aspect_TOCSP_CENTER || myLabelPos == Aspect_TOCSP_NONE) { aColorBreadth += aTextWidth; } // draw title Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aLabelsGroup; if (!myTitle.IsEmpty() || !aLabels.IsEmpty()) { aLabelsGroup = thePrs->NewGroup(); aLabelsGroup->SetGroupPrimitivesAspect (myDrawer->TextAspect()->Aspect()); } if (!myTitle.IsEmpty()) { drawText (aLabelsGroup, myTitle, myXPos + mySpacing, aBarTop + aBarYOffset, Graphic3d_VTA_BOTTOM); } // draw colors drawColorBar (thePrs, aBarBottom, aBarHeight, aTextWidth, aColorBreadth); // draw Labels drawLabels (aLabelsGroup, aLabels, aBarBottom, aBarHeight, aTextWidth, aColorBreadth); } //======================================================================= //function : drawColorBar //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::drawColorBar (const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs, const Standard_Integer theBarBottom, const Standard_Integer theBarHeight, const Standard_Integer theMaxLabelWidth, const Standard_Integer theColorBreadth) { const Standard_Real aStepY = Standard_Real(theBarHeight) / Standard_Real(myNbIntervals); if (aStepY <= 0.0) { return; } // Draw colors const Standard_Integer anXLeft = myLabelPos == Aspect_TOCSP_LEFT ? myXPos + mySpacing + theMaxLabelWidth + (theMaxLabelWidth != 0 ? 1 : 0) * mySpacing : myXPos + mySpacing; Aspect_SequenceOfColor aColors; for (Standard_Integer anIntervalIter = 1; anIntervalIter <= myNbIntervals; ++anIntervalIter) { if (myIsReversed) { aColors.Prepend (GetIntervalColor (anIntervalIter)); } else { aColors.Append (GetIntervalColor (anIntervalIter)); } } Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles) aTriangles; if (myIsSmooth && myColorType == Aspect_TOCSD_USER) { // Smooth custom intervals, so that the color in the center of interval is equal to specified one // (thus the halves of first and last intervals have solid color) aTriangles = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles ((aColors.Length() + 1) * 4, // quads (aColors.Length() + 1) * 2 * 3, // quads as triangles false, true); // per-vertex colors Quantity_Color aColor1 (aColors.Value (1)), aColor2; Standard_Integer aSizeY = Standard_Integer(aStepY / 2); const Standard_Integer anYBottom = theBarBottom + aSizeY; Standard_Integer anYBottomIter = anYBottom; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, theBarBottom, theColorBreadth, aSizeY, aColor1, aColor1); for (Standard_Integer aColorIter = 0; aColorIter < myNbIntervals - 1; ++aColorIter) { aColor1 = aColors.Value (aColorIter + 1); aColor2 = aColors.Value (aColorIter + 2); aSizeY = anYBottom + Standard_Integer((aColorIter + 1) * aStepY) - anYBottomIter; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, aSizeY, aColor1, aColor2); anYBottomIter += aSizeY; } aColor2 = aColors.Value (myNbIntervals); aSizeY = theBarBottom + theBarHeight - anYBottomIter; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, aSizeY, aColor2, aColor2); } else if (myIsSmooth) { // smooth transition between standard colors - without solid color regions at the beginning and end of full color range const Quantity_Color aColorsFixed[5] = { colorFromValue (0, 0, 4), colorFromValue (1, 0, 4), colorFromValue (2, 0, 4), colorFromValue (3, 0, 4), colorFromValue (4, 0, 4) }; aTriangles = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles (4 * 4, // quads 4 * 2 * 3, // quads as triangles false, true); // per-vertex colors Standard_Integer anYBottomIter = theBarBottom; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, theBarBottom, theColorBreadth, theBarHeight / 4, aColorsFixed[0], aColorsFixed[1]); anYBottomIter += theBarHeight / 4; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, theBarHeight / 4, aColorsFixed[1], aColorsFixed[2]); anYBottomIter += theBarHeight / 4; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, theBarHeight / 4, aColorsFixed[2], aColorsFixed[3]); anYBottomIter += theBarHeight / 4; const Standard_Integer aLastSizeY = theBarBottom + theBarHeight - anYBottomIter; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, aLastSizeY, aColorsFixed[3], aColorsFixed[4]); } else { // no color smoothing aTriangles = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles (aColors.Length() * 4, // quads aColors.Length() * 2 * 3, // quads as triangles false, true); // per-vertex colors Standard_Integer anYBottomIter = theBarBottom; for (Standard_Integer aColorIter = 0; aColorIter < myNbIntervals; ++aColorIter) { const Quantity_Color& aColor = aColors.Value (aColorIter + 1); const Standard_Integer aSizeY = theBarBottom + Standard_Integer((aColorIter + 1) * aStepY) - anYBottomIter; addColoredQuad (aTriangles, anXLeft, anYBottomIter, theColorBreadth, aSizeY, aColor, aColor); anYBottomIter += aSizeY; } } Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aGroup = thePrs->NewGroup(); aGroup->SetGroupPrimitivesAspect (myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()); aGroup->AddPrimitiveArray (aTriangles); const Quantity_Color aFgColor (hasOwnColor ? myDrawer->Color() : Quantity_NOC_WHITE); drawFrame (thePrs, anXLeft - 1, theBarBottom - 1, theColorBreadth + 2, theBarHeight + 2, aFgColor); } //======================================================================= //function : drawLabels //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::drawLabels (const Handle(Graphic3d_Group)& theGroup, const TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString& theLabels, const Standard_Integer theBarBottom, const Standard_Integer theBarHeight, const Standard_Integer theMaxLabelWidth, const Standard_Integer theColorBreadth) { if (myLabelPos == Aspect_TOCSP_NONE || theLabels.IsEmpty()) { return; } const Standard_Integer aNbLabels = theLabels.Size(); const Standard_Integer aNbIntervals = myIsLabelAtBorder ? aNbLabels - 1 : aNbLabels; const Standard_Real aStepY = Standard_Real(theBarHeight) / Standard_Real(aNbIntervals); if (aStepY <= 0.0) { return; } Standard_Integer aFilter = 0; { const Standard_Integer aTitleHeight = !myTitle.IsEmpty() ? (myTextHeight + 2 * mySpacing) : mySpacing; const Standard_Integer aSpc = myHeight - aTitleHeight - ((Min (aNbLabels, 2) + Abs (aNbLabels - aNbIntervals - 1)) * myTextHeight); if (aSpc <= 0) { return; } const Standard_Real aVal = Standard_Real(aNbLabels) * myTextHeight / aSpc; Standard_Real anIPart = 0.0; Standard_Real anFPart = std::modf (aVal, &anIPart); aFilter = (Standard_Integer )anIPart + (anFPart != 0 ? 1 : 0); } if (aFilter <= 0) { return; } Standard_Integer anXLeft = myXPos + mySpacing; const Standard_Integer anAscent = 0; switch (myLabelPos) { case Aspect_TOCSP_NONE: case Aspect_TOCSP_LEFT: { break; } case Aspect_TOCSP_CENTER: { anXLeft += (theColorBreadth - theMaxLabelWidth) / 2; break; } case Aspect_TOCSP_RIGHT: { anXLeft += theColorBreadth + mySpacing; break; } } Standard_Integer i1 = 0; Standard_Integer i2 = aNbLabels - 1; Standard_Integer aLast1 = i1; Standard_Integer aLast2 = i2; const Standard_Integer anYBottom = myIsLabelAtBorder ? theBarBottom : theBarBottom + Standard_Integer(aStepY / 2); while (i2 - i1 >= aFilter || ( i2 == 0 && i1 == 0 )) { Standard_Integer aPos1 = i1; Standard_Integer aPos2 = aNbLabels - 1 - i2; if (aFilter && !(aPos1 % aFilter)) { drawText (theGroup, theLabels.Value (i1 + 1), anXLeft, anYBottom + Standard_Integer(i1 * aStepY + anAscent), Graphic3d_VTA_CENTER); aLast1 = i1; } if (aFilter && !(aPos2 % aFilter)) { drawText (theGroup, theLabels.Value (i2 + 1), anXLeft, anYBottom + Standard_Integer(i2 * aStepY + anAscent), Graphic3d_VTA_CENTER); aLast2 = i2; } i1++; i2--; } Standard_Integer aPos = i1; Standard_Integer i0 = -1; while (aPos <= i2 && i0 == -1) { if (aFilter && !(aPos % aFilter) && Abs (aPos - aLast1) >= aFilter && Abs (aPos - aLast2) >= aFilter) { i0 = aPos; } aPos++; } if (i0 != -1) { drawText (theGroup, theLabels.Value (i0 + 1), anXLeft, anYBottom + Standard_Integer(i0 * aStepY + anAscent), Graphic3d_VTA_CENTER); } } //======================================================================= //function : drawFrame //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::drawFrame (const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs, const Standard_Integer theX, const Standard_Integer theY, const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight, const Quantity_Color& theColor) { Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines) aPrim = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines(5); aPrim->AddVertex (theX, theY, 0.0); aPrim->AddVertex (theX + theWidth, theY, 0.0); aPrim->AddVertex (theX + theWidth, theY + theHeight, 0.0); aPrim->AddVertex (theX, theY + theHeight, 0.0); aPrim->AddVertex (theX, theY, 0.0); Handle(Graphic3d_AspectLine3d) anAspect = new Graphic3d_AspectLine3d (theColor, Aspect_TOL_SOLID, 1.0); Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aGroup = thePrs->NewGroup(); aGroup->SetGroupPrimitivesAspect (anAspect); aGroup->AddPrimitiveArray (aPrim); } //======================================================================= //function : drawText //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::drawText (const Handle(Graphic3d_Group)& theGroup, const TCollection_ExtendedString& theText, const Standard_Integer theX, const Standard_Integer theY, const Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment theVertAlignment) { const Handle(Prs3d_TextAspect)& anAspect = myDrawer->TextAspect(); theGroup->Text (theText, gp_Ax2 (gp_Pnt (theX, theY, 0.0), gp::DZ()), anAspect->Height(), anAspect->Angle(), anAspect->Orientation(), Graphic3d_HTA_LEFT, theVertAlignment, Standard_True, Standard_False); // has own anchor } //======================================================================= //function : TextWidth //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer AIS_ColorScale::TextWidth (const TCollection_ExtendedString& theText) const { Standard_Integer aWidth, anAscent, aDescent; TextSize (theText, myTextHeight, aWidth, anAscent, aDescent); return aWidth; } //======================================================================= //function : TextHeight //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer AIS_ColorScale::TextHeight (const TCollection_ExtendedString& theText) const { Standard_Integer aWidth, anAscent, aDescent; TextSize (theText, myTextHeight, aWidth, anAscent, aDescent); return anAscent + aDescent; } //======================================================================= //function : TextSize //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_ColorScale::TextSize (const TCollection_ExtendedString& theText, const Standard_Integer theHeight, Standard_Integer& theWidth, Standard_Integer& theAscent, Standard_Integer& theDescent) const { if (!HasInteractiveContext()) { return; } Standard_ShortReal aWidth = 10.0f; Standard_ShortReal anAscent = 1.0f; Standard_ShortReal aDescent = 1.0f; const TCollection_AsciiString aText (theText); const Handle(V3d_Viewer)& aViewer = GetContext()->CurrentViewer(); const Handle(Graphic3d_CView)& aView = aViewer->ActiveViewIterator().Value()->View(); aViewer->Driver()->TextSize (aView, aText.ToCString(), (Standard_ShortReal)theHeight, aWidth, anAscent, aDescent); theWidth = (Standard_Integer)aWidth; theAscent = (Standard_Integer)anAscent; theDescent = (Standard_Integer)aDescent; }