======================================================================== Sample Open Cascade Demo Presentation Application ======================================================================== This application is a one from a set of applications intended to show some features of Open Cascade. You can see how a particular feature is realized in the source code. The WNT implementation uses Microsoft Foundation Classes. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up this application. Below the string should be substituted by the name of the particular project downloaded by you. / This folder contains source files specific to this project. .dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a project. /_Presentation.h, /_Presentation.cpp These files contain the project presentation class _Presentation, which inherits OCCDemo_Presentation and determines the samples and the behaviour of all samples in the presentation. _Presentation.cpp contains also the initialisation of the pointer OCCDemo_Presentation::Current with the new object of type _Presentation. Common/ This folder contains source files common to all possibly downloaded projects. Common/OCCDemo_Presentation.h, Common/OCCDemo_Presentation.cpp These files contain the abstract class OCCDemo_Presentation which is the base for all project presentation classes. It serves as a link between a platform independent project class and the platform dependent classes responsible for drawing objects on the screen (mainly COCCDemoDoc class). OCCDemo_Presentation class contains static field Current which points to a particular object of type _Presentation. This pointer is initialized where _Presentation is implemented, and is used by the class COCCDemoDoc. Common/WNT/OCCDemo.h, Common/WNT/OCCDemo.cpp These files contain the main application class COCCDemoApp. Common/WNT/MainFrm.h, Common/WNT/MainFrm.cpp These files contain the frame class CMainFrame, which is derived from CFrameWnd and controls all SDI frame features. Common/WNT/OCCDemoDoc.h, Common/WNT/OCCDemoDoc.cpp These files contain COCCDemoDoc class which inherits CDocument. It controls the sequence of samples using the pointer OCCDemo_Presentation::Current. It also contains the objects of types AIS_InteractiveContext and V3d_Viewer to store and manipulate the drawable objects. It also manipulates by the object of type CResultDialog in which the source code and results of samples are shown. Common/WNT/OCCDemoView.h, Common/WNT/OCCDemoView.cpp These files contain COCCDemoView class which inherits CView. It processes all mouse and keyboard events dedicated to the 3d View. Common/WNT/ResultDialog.h, Common/WNT/ResultDialog.cpp These files contain the class CResultDialog which is used to show the source code and results of samples. Common/WNT/StdAfx.h, Common/WNT/StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named .pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Common/WNT/Resource.h This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. Common/WNT/OCCDemo.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. It includes the icons and bitmaps that are stored in the RES subdirectory. Common/WNT/res/OCCDemo.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This icon is included by the main resource file OCCDemo.rc. Common/WNT/res/OCCDemo.rc2 This file might contain resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. Really it is empty. Common/WNT/res/Toolbar.bmp, Common/WNT/res/Toolbar1.bmp These files contain bitmaps used to create tiled images for the toolbars. Common/ISession/ISession_Curve.h, Common/ISession/ISession_Curve.cpp These files define the class ISession_Curve which is derived from AIS_InteractiveObject. It is intended to display Curves directly (not via Edges) in the AIS_Interactive_Context. Common/ISession/ISession_Surface.h, Common/ISession/ISession_Surface.cpp These files define the class ISession_Surface which is derived from AIS_InteractiveObject. It is intended to display Surfaces directly (not via Faces) in the AIS_Interactive_Context.