Building 3rd-party libraries on Windows {#occt_dev_guides__building_3rdparty_windows} ============================================== @tableofcontents @section dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_1 Introduction This document presents guidelines for building third-party products used by Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) and samples on Windows platform. It is assumed that you are already familiar with MS Visual Studio / Visual C++. You need to use the same version of MS Visual Studio for building all third-party products and OCCT itself, in order to receive a consistent set of run-time binaries. The links for downloading the third-party products are available on the web site of OPEN CASCADE SAS at There are two types of third-party products used by OCCT: * Mandatory products: * Tcl/Tk 8.5 - 8.6; * FreeType 2.4.10 - 2.5.3. * Optional products: * TBB 3.x - 4.x; * gl2ps 1.3.5 - 1.3.8; * FreeImage 3.14.1 -3.16.0; * VTK 6.1.0. It is recommended to create a separate new folder on your workstation, where you will unpack the downloaded archives of the third-party products, and where you will build these products (for example, *c:\\occ3rdparty*). Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *3rdparty*. @section dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_2 Building Mandatory Third-party Products @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_2_1 Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk is required for DRAW test harness. @subsubsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_2_1_1 Installation from sources: Tcl Download the necessary archive from and unpack it. 1. In the *win* sub-directory, edit file **: * Edit the line "call ... vcvars32.bat" to have correct path to the version of Visual Studio to be used for building, for instance: call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" If you are building 64-bit version, set environment accordingly, e.g.: call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 * Define variable *INSTALLDIR* pointing to directory where Tcl/Tk will be installed, e.g.: set INSTALLDIR=D:\OCCT\3rdparty\tcltk-86-32 * Add option *install* to the first command line calling *nmake*: nmake -nologo -f release htmlhelp install %1 * Remove second call to *nmake* (building statically linked executable) 2. Edit file ** replacing line SUFX = tsgx by SUFX = sgx This is to avoid extra prefix 't' in the library name, which is not recognized by default by OCCT build tools. 3. In the command prompt, run ** You might need to run this script twice to have *tclsh* executable installed; check subfolder *bin* of specified installation path to verify this. 4. For convenience of use, we recommend making a copy of *tclsh* executable created in subfolder *bin* of *INSTALLDIR* and named with Tcl version number suffix, as *tclsh.exe* (with no suffix) > cd D:\OCCT\3rdparty\tcltk-86-32\bin > cp tclsh86.exe tclsh.exe @subsubsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_2_1_2 Installation from sources: Tk Download the necessary archive from and unpack it. Apply the same steps as described for building Tcl above, with the same INSTALLDIR. Note that Tk produces its own executable, called *wish*. You might need to edit default value of *TCLDIR* variable defined in ** (should be not necessary if you unpack both Tcl and Tk sources in the same folder). @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_2_2 FreeType FreeType is required for text display in a 3D viewer. You can download its sources from ### The building procedure 1. Unpack the downloaded archive of FreeType product into the *3rdparty* folder. As a result, you will get a folder named, for example, *3rdparty\\freetype-2.4.10*. Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *freetype*. 2. Open the solution file *freetype\\builds\\win32\\vc20xx\\freetype.sln* in Visual Studio. Here *vc20xx* stands for your version of Visual Studio. 3. Select the configuration to build: either Debug or Release. 4. Build the *freetype* project. As a result, you will get a freetype import library (.lib) in the *freetype\\obj\\win32\\vc20xx* folder. 5. If you build FreeType for a 64 bit platform, select in the main menu **Build - Configuration Manager** and add *x64* platform to the solution configuration by copying the settings from Win32 platform: @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image001.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image001.png Update the value of the Output File for x64 configuration: @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image003.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image003.png Build the *freetype* project. As a result, you will obtain a 64 bit import library (.lib) file in the *freetype\\x64\\vc20xx* folder. To build FreeType as a dynamic library (.dll) follow steps 6, 7 and 8 of this procedure. 6. Open menu Project-> Properties-> Configuration Properties-> General and change option **Configuration Type** to *Dynamic Library (.dll)*. 7. Edit file *freetype\\include\\freetype\\config\\ftoption.h*: in line 255, uncomment the definition of macro *FT_EXPORT* and change it as follows: #define FT_EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x 8. Build the *freetype* project. As a result, you will obtain the files of the import library (.lib) and the dynamic library (.dll) in folders freetype \\objs\\release or \\objs\\debug . If you build for a 64 bit platform, follow step 5 of the procedure. To facilitate the use of FreeType libraries in OCCT with minimal adjustment of build procedures, it is recommended to copy the include files and libraries of FreeType into a separate folder, named according to the pattern: *freetype-compiler-bitness-building mode*, where: * **compiler** is *vc8* or *vc9* or *vc10* or *vc11*; * **bitness** is *32* or *64*; * **building mode** is *opt* (for Release) or *deb* (for Debug). The *include* subfolder should be copied as is, while libraries should be renamed to *freetype.lib* and *freetype.dll* (suffixes removed) and placed to subdirectories *lib *and *bin*, respectively. If the Debug configuration is built, the Debug libraries should be put into subdirectories *libd* and *bind*. @section dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_3 Building Optional Third-party Products @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_3_1 TBB This third-party product is installed with binaries from the archive that can be downloaded from Go to the **Download** page, find the release version you need (e.g. *tbb30_018oss*) and pick the archive for Windows platform. Unpack the downloaded archive of TBB product into the *3rdparty* folder. Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *tbb*. @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_3_2 gl2ps This third-party product should be built as a dynamically loadable library (dll file). You can download its sources from ### The building procedure 1. Unpack the downloaded archive of gl2ps product (e.g. *gl2ps-1.3.5.tgz*) into the *3rdparty* folder. As a result, you will get a folder named, for example, *3rdparty\\gl2ps-1.3.5-source*. Rename it into gl2ps-platform-compiler-building mode, where * **platform** is *win32* or *win64*; * **compiler** is *vc8*, *vc9* or *vc10*; * **building mode** - *opt* (for release) or *deb* (for debug). For example, gl2ps-win64-vc10-deb Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *gl2ps*. 2. Download (from and install the *CMake* build system. 3. Edit the file *gl2ps\\CMakeLists.txt*. After line 113 in *CMakeLists.txt*: set_target_properties(shared PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS \"-DGL2PSDLL -DGL2PSDLL_EXPORTS\") add the following line: add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) Attention: If Cygwin was installed on your computer, make sure that there is no path to it in the *PATH* variable to avoid possible conflicts during the configuration. 4. Launch CMake (cmake-gui.exe) using the Program menu. In CMake: * Define where the source code is. This path must point to *gl2ps* folder. * Define where to build the binaries. This path must point to the folder where generated gl2ps project binaries will be placed (for example, *gl2ps\\bin*). Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *gl2ps_bin*. * Press **Configure** button. @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image004.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image004.png * Select the generator (the compiler and the target platform - 32 or 64 bit) in the pop-up window. @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image005.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image005.png * Press **Finish** button to return to the main CMake window. Expand the ENABLE group and uncheck ENABLE_PNG and ENABLE_ZLIB check boxes. @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image006.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image006.png * Expand the CMAKE group and define *CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX* which is the path where you want to install the build results, for example, *c:\\occ3rdparty\\gl2ps-1.3.5*. @image html /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image007.png @image latex /dev_guides/building/3rdparty/images/3rdparty_image007.png * Press **Configure** button again, then press **Generate** button to generate Visual Studio projects. After completion, close CMake application. 5. Open the solution file *gl2ps_bin\\gl2ps.sln* in Visual Studio. * Select a configuration to build * Choose **Release** to build Release binaries. * Choose **Debug** to build Debug binaries. * Select a platform to build. * Choose **Win32** to build for a 32 bit platform. * Choose **x64** to build for a 64 bit platform. * Build the solution. * Build the *INSTALL* project. As a result, you should have the installed gl2ps product in the *CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX* path. @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_3_3 FreeImage This third-party product should be built as a dynamically loadable library (.dll file). You can download its sources from ### The building procedure: 1. Unpack the downloaded archive of FreeImage product into *3rdparty* folder. As a result, you should have a folder named *3rdparty\\FreeImage*. Rename it according to the rule: *freeimage-platform-compiler-building mode*, where * **platform** is *win32* or *win64*; * **compiler** is *vc8* or *vc9* or *vc10* or *vc11*; * **building mode** is *opt* (for release) or *deb* (for debug) Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *freeimage*. 2. Open the solution file *freeimage\\FreeImage.*.sln* in your Visual Studio. If you use a Visual Studio version higher than VC++ 2008, apply conversion of the workspace. Such conversion should be suggested automatically by Visual Studio. 3. Select a configuration to build. - Choose **Release** if you are building Release binaries. - Choose **Debug** if you are building Debug binaries. *Note:* If you want to build a debug version of FreeImage binaries then you need to rename the following files in FreeImage and FreeimagePlus projects: Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Output File FreeImage*d*.dll to FreeImage.dll FreeImagePlus*d*.dll to FreeImagePlus.dll Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Debugging-> Generate Program Database File FreeImage*d*.pdb to FreeImage.pdb FreeImagePlus*d*.pdb to FreeImagePlus.pdb Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced-Import Library FreeImage*d*.lib to FreeImage.lib FreeImagePlus*d*.lib to FreeImagePlus.lib Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Build Events -> Post -> Build Event -> Command Line FreeImage*d*.dll to FreeImage.dll FreeImage*d*.lib to FreeImage.lib FreeImagePlus*d*.dll to FreeImagePlus.dll FreeImagePlus*d*.lib to FreeImagePlus.lib Additionally, rename in project FreeImagePlus Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies from FreeImage*d*.lib to FreeImage.lib 4. Select a platform to build. - Choose *Win32* if you are building for a 32 bit platform. - Choose *x64* if you are building for a 64 bit platform. 5. Start the building process. As a result, you should have the library files of FreeImage product in *freeimage\\Dist* folder (*FreeImage.dll* and *FreeImage.lib*) and in *freeimage\\Wrapper\\FreeImagePlus\\dist* folder (*FreeImagePlus.dll* and *FreeImagePlus.lib*). @subsection dev_guides__building_3rdparty_win_3_4 VTK VTK is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. VTK Integration Services component provides adaptation functionality for visualization of OCCT topological shapes by means of VTK library. ### The building procedure: 1. Download the necessary archive from and unpack it into *3rdparty* folder. As a result, you will get a folder named, for example, 3rdparty\VTK-6.1.0. Further in this document, this folder is referred to as *VTK*. 2. Use CMake to generate VS projects for building the library: - Start CMake-GUI and select VTK folder as source path, and the folder of your choice for VS project and intermediate build data. - Click **Configure**. - Select the VS version to be used from the ones you have installed (we recommend using VS 2010) and the architecture (32 or 64-bit). - Generate VS projects with default CMake options. The open solution *VTK.sln* will be generated in the build folder. 3. Build project VTK in Release mode.