0024927: Getting rid of "Persistent" functionality -- Samples and data
[occt.git] / samples / mfc / standard / Common / res / OCC_Resource.h
2 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
3 // Used by OCC_Resource.rc
4 //
5 #define IDD_ParamsFacesPage             101
6 #define IDR_POPUP                       116
7 #define IDD_Dimension                   119
8 #define IDD_DIALOG_STEREO               120
9 #define IDD_LengthParamsEdgePage        122
10 #define IDD_LengthParamsVerticesPage    123
11 #define IDD_LengthParamsEdgesPage       125
12 #define IDD_AngleParamsVerticesPage     126
13 #define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
14 #define IDD_RadiusParamsPage            128
15 #define IDR_2DTYPE                      129
16 #define IDR_3DTYPE                      131
17 #define ID_FILE_EXPORT_IMAGE            132
18 #define IDR_Popup2D                     136
19 #define IDR_2dCHILDFRAME                137
20 #define IDR_3dCHILDFRAME                138
21 #define IDD_ResultDialog                143
22 #define IDD_FILESAVESTEP                145
23 #define IDR_Popup3D                     146
24 #define IDR_TB_AIS                      149
25 #define IDD_GrilleRectangulaire         150
26 #define IDD_GrilleCirculaire            151
27 #define IDR_RAY_TRACING                 182
28 #define IDD_COLORMESH                   552
29 #define IDB_coloredmesh                 554
30 #define IDC_RICHEDIT_ResultDialog       1001
31 #define IDC_ResultNameEdit              1003
32 #define IDC_README                      1004
33 #define IDC_DimensionGroupbox           1005
34 #define IDD_DIMENSIONDLG                1006
35 #define IDC_TextParamGroupbox           1007
36 #define IDC_DimensionParametersGroupbox 1010
37 #define IDC_TAB1                        1011
38 #define IDC_LengthTab                   1014
39 #define IDC_AngleTab                    1015
40 #define IDC_BUTTON1                     1016
41 #define IDC_XPOS                        1017
42 #define IDC_BUTTON2                     1018
43 #define IDC_BUTTON3                     1019
44 #define IDC_YPOS                        1020
45 #define IDC_BUTTON4                     1021
46 #define IDC_RadiusTab                   1022
47 #define IDC_ZPOS                        1023
48 #define IDC_ChooseEdgeBtn               1025
49 #define IDC_ChooseEdgeEdit              1026
50 #define IDC_Flyout                      1028
51 #define IDC_DiameterTab                 1031
52 #define IDC_DimLength                   1032
53 #define IDC_DimAngle                    1033
54 #define IDC_DimRadius                   1034
55 #define IDC_DimDiameter                 1035
56 #define IDC_2DText                      1036
57 #define IDC_3DText                      1037
58 #define IDC_FontSize                    1038
59 #define IDC_FontSizeStatic              1039
60 #define IDC_FlyoutStatic                1044
61 #define IDC_DisplayUnits                1045
62 #define IDC_DisplayUnitsStatic          1046
63 #define IDC_TextDisplayMode             1047
64 #define IDC_TextDisplayModeStatic       1048
65 #define IDC_DimensionColor              1049
66 #define IDC_EDIT_IOD                    1050
67 #define IDC_SPIN_IOD                    1051
68 #define IDC_CHECK_IOD_RELATIVE          1052
69 #define IDC_CHECK_FOCUS_RELATIVE        1053
70 #define IDC_SLIDER_FOCUS                1054
71 #define IDC_EDIT_FOCUS                  1055
72 #define IDC_SPIN_FOCUS                  1056
73 #define IDC_FacesSt1                    1057
74 #define IDC_FacesSt2                    1058
75 #define IDC_FacesBtn1                   1059
76 #define IDC_FacesBtn2                   1060
77 #define ID_WINDOW_NEW3D                 1151
78 #define ID_OBJECT_DISPLAYALL            1201
79 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL              1205
80 #define ID_OBJECT_TRANSPARENCY          1214
81 #define IDB_OCC_LOGO                    1300
82 #define IDC_RectGrid_XOrigin            1400
83 #define IDC_RectGrid_Yorigin            1401
84 #define IDC_RectGrid_XStep              1402
85 #define IDC_RectGrid_YStep              1403
86 #define IDC_RectGrid_Rotationangle      1404
87 #define IDC_CircGrid_XOrigin            1405
88 #define IDC_CircGrid_Yorigin            1406
89 #define IDC_CirctGrid_RadiusStep        1407
90 #define IDC_CircGrid_DivNumber          1408
91 #define IDC_CircGrid_RotationAngle      1409
92 #define IDC_CopySelectionToClipboard    1502
93 #define IDC_CopyAllToClipboard          1503
94 #define IDC_CHECK_XRed                  1761
95 #define IDC_CHECK_XGreen                1762
96 #define IDC_CHECK_YRed                  1763
97 #define IDC_CHECK_YGreen                1764
98 #define IDC_CHECK_YBlue                 1765
99 #define IDC_CHECK_ZRed                  1766
100 #define IDC_RADIO1                      1767
101 #define IDC_RADIO2                      1768
102 #define IDC_RADIO3                      1769
103 #define IDC_CHECK_ZGreen                1770
104 #define IDC_CHECK_ZBlue                 1771
105 #define IDC_CHECK_XBlue                 1772
106 #define IDC_CHECK_X1                    1773
107 #define IDC_CHECK_Y1                    1774
108 #define IDC_CHECK_Z1                    1775
109 #define IDC_FSaveSTEP_Type              3002
110 #define IDD_AISMATERIAL                 7544
111 #define IDD_AISMATERIAL1                7545
112 #define IDD_AISTRANSPARENCY             7546
113 #define IDD_OCC_ABOUTBOX                10000
114 #define IDC_ABOUTBOX_TITLE              10001
115 #define IDD_AISMATERIAL2                10001
116 #define ID_BUTTON2DFitAll               32770
117 #define ID_BUTTON2DZoomWin              32771
118 #define ID_BUTTON2DZoomProg             32772
119 #define ID_BUTTON2DPanning              32773
120 #define ID_BUTTON2DGlobPanning          32774
121 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridValues           32775
122 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridCircPoints       32776
123 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridCancel           32777
124 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridRectLines        32778
125 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridRectPoints       32779
126 #define ID_BUTTON2DGridCircLines        32780
127 #define ID_OBJECT_REMOVE                32796
128 #define ID_OBJECT_RAY_TRACING           32898
129 #define ID_OBJECT_SHADOWS               32899
130 #define ID_OBJECT_REFLECTIONS           32900
131 #define ID_OBJECT_ANTI_ALIASING         32902
132 #define ID_BUTTONZoomAll                40000
133 #define ID_OBJECT_ERASE                 40001
134 #define ID_BUTTONZoomWin                40002
135 #define ID_BUTTONZoomProg               40003
136 #define ID_BUTTONPan                    40004
137 #define ID_BUTTONPanGlo                 40005
138 #define ID_BUTTONFront                  40006
139 #define ID_BUTTONLeft                   40007
140 #define ID_BUTTONBack                   40008
141 #define ID_BUTTONRight                  40009
142 #define ID_BUTTONBottom                 40010
143 #define ID_BUTTONRot                    40011
144 #define ID_BUTTONReset                  40012
145 #define ID_BUTTONHlrOff                 40013
146 #define ID_BUTTONHlrOn                  40014
147 #define ID_BUTTONAxo                    40015
148 #define ID_BUTTONTop                    40016
149 #define ID_BUTTON40017                  40017
150 #define ID_BUTTON40033                  40033
151 #define ID_OBJECT_DIMENSIONS            40035
152 #define ID_OBJECT_DIM                   40036
154 #define ID_BUTTON_STEREOSETTINGS        40038
155 #define ID_BUTTON_STEREO                40039
156 #define ID_BUTTON_STEREOCONFIG          40040
157 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT_BREP             40101
158 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT_STEP             40102
159 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT_IGES             40103
160 #define ID_FILE_EXPORT_BREP             40105
161 #define ID_FILE_EXPORT_STEP             40106
162 #define ID_FILE_EXPORT_IGES             40107
163 #define ID_OBJECT_COLOR                 40201
164 #define ID_OBJECT_SHADING               40202
165 #define ID_OBJECT_WIREFRAME             40203
166 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_BRASS        40210
167 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_BRONZE       40211
168 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_COPPER       40212
169 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_GOLD         40213
170 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_PEWTER       40214
171 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_PLASTER      40215
172 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_PLASTIC      40216
173 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_SILVER       40217
174 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_STEEL        40218
175 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_STONE        40219
177 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_SATIN        40221
179 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_NEON_GNC     40223
180 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_CHROME       40224
182 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_OBSIDIAN     40226
183 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_NEON_PHC     40227
184 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_JADE         40228
185 #define ID_OBJECT_MATERIAL_DEFAULT      40229
186 #define ID_Modify_ChangeBackground      40230
187 #define IDC_EDITAISTRANSP               40309
188 #define IDC_SPINAISTRANSP               40310
190 // Next default values for new objects
191 // 
194 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        131
195 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40041
196 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1061
197 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
198 #endif
199 #endif