0023273: Avoid failures due to datadir commend when data files are not present
[occt.git] / tests / heal / elementary_to_revolution / end
40093367 1set env(CSF_dataDefaults) [file dirname [info script]]/../data
2puts $env(CSF_dataDefaults)
3xtrace 3
4DT_ApplySeq result a data data1
5set b [explode a f]
6set b1 [explode result f]
7puts $b
8puts $b1
9set nb_surf 0
10set i 0
11for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $b]} {incr i} {
12 set t [lindex $b $i]
13 set t1 [lindex $b1 $i]
14 mksurface s$i $t
15 mksurface su$i $t1
16 set q [dump s$i]
17 set q1 [dump su$i]
18 puts $q
19 puts $q1
20 if { [lindex $q 5] != [lindex $q1 5] } {
21 if { [lindex $q1 5] == "SurfaceOfRevolution" } {
22 incr nb_surf
23 }
24 }
26if { $nb_surf == 0 || $nb_revol != $nb_surf } {
27 puts "Error : $nb_revol faces should be converted instead of $nb_surf."