0032402: Coding Rules - eliminate msvc warning C4668 (symbol is not defined as a...
[occt.git] / src / math / math_BracketedRoot.cxx
b311480e 1// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Matra Datavision
973c2be1 2// Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
b311480e 3//
973c2be1 4// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
b311480e 5//
d5f74e42 6// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
973c2be1 8// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
9// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
10// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
b311480e 11//
973c2be1 12// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
13// commercial license or contractual agreement.
b311480e 14
42cf5bc1 15
16#include <math_BracketedRoot.hxx>
7fd59977 17#include <math_Function.hxx>
42cf5bc1 18#include <StdFail_NotDone.hxx>
7fd59977 19
20// reference algorithme:
21// Brent method
22// numerical recipes in C p 269
b311480e 23math_BracketedRoot::math_BracketedRoot (math_Function& F,
7fd59977 24 const Standard_Real Bound1,
25 const Standard_Real Bound2,
26 const Standard_Real Tolerance,
27 const Standard_Integer NbIterations,
28 const Standard_Real ZEPS ) {
30 Standard_Real Fa,Fc,a,c=0,d=0,e=0;
31 Standard_Real min1,min2,p,q,r,s,tol1,xm;
7fd59977 32
33 a = Bound1;
34 TheRoot = Bound2;
35 F.Value(a,Fa);
36 F.Value(TheRoot,TheError);
7fd59977 37 if (Fa*TheError > 0.) { Done = Standard_False;}
38 else {
39 Fc = TheError ;
40 for (NbIter = 1; NbIter <= NbIterations; NbIter++) {
41 if (TheError*Fc > 0.) {
42 c = a; // rename a TheRoot c and adjust bounding interval d
43 Fc = Fa;
44 d = TheRoot - a;
45 e = d;
46 }
47 if ( Abs(Fc) < Abs(Fa) ) {
48 a = TheRoot;
49 TheRoot = c;
50 c = a;
51 Fa = TheError;
52 TheError = Fc;
53 Fc = Fa;
54 }
55 tol1 = 2.*ZEPS * Abs(TheRoot) + 0.5 * Tolerance; // convergence check
56 xm = 0.5 * ( c - TheRoot );
57 if (Abs(xm) <= tol1 || TheError == 0. ) {
58 Done = Standard_True;
59 return;
60 }
61 if (Abs(e) >= tol1 && Abs(Fa) > Abs(TheError) ) {
62 s = TheError / Fa; // attempt inverse quadratic interpolation
63 if (a == c) {
64 p = 2.*xm*s;
65 q = 1. - s;
66 }
67 else {
68 q = Fa / Fc;
69 r = TheError / Fc;
70 p = s * (2.*xm *q * (q - r) - (TheRoot - a)*(r - 1.));
71 q = (q -1.) * (r - 1.) * (s - 1.);
72 }
73 if ( p > 0. ) { q = -q;} // check whether in bounds
74 p = Abs(p);
75 min1 = 3.* xm* q - Abs(tol1 *q);
76 min2 = Abs(e * q);
77 if (2.* p < (min1 < min2 ? min1 : min2) ) {
78 e = d ; // accept interpolation
79 d = p / q;
80 }
81 else {
82 d = xm; // interpolation failed,use bissection
83 e = d;
84 }
85 }
86 else { // bounds decreasing too slowly ,use bissection
87 d = xm;
88 e =d;
89 }
90 a = TheRoot ; // move last best guess to a
91 Fa = TheError;
92 if (Abs(d) > tol1) { // evaluate new trial root
93 TheRoot += d;
94 }
95 else {
96 TheRoot += (xm > 0. ? Abs(tol1) : -Abs(tol1));
97 }
96a95605 98 F.Value(TheRoot,TheError);
7fd59977 99 }
100 Done = Standard_False;
101 }
102 }
105 void math_BracketedRoot::Dump(Standard_OStream& o) const {
107 o << "math_BracketedRoot ";
108 if(Done) {
109 o << " Status = Done \n";
04232180 110 o << " Number of iterations = " << NbIter << std::endl;
111 o << " The Root is: " << TheRoot << std::endl;
112 o << " The value at the root is: " << TheError << std::endl;
7fd59977 113 }
114 else {
115 o << " Status = not Done \n";
116 }