10 years ago0024851: Extra vertex is in the result of Boolean Fuse Operation
pkv [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:22:10 +0000 (16:22 +0400)]
0024851: Extra vertex is in the result of Boolean Fuse Operation

class IntTools_FaceFace
   - statc function:
void CorrectSurfaceBoundaries(const TopoDS_Face&  theFace,
                              const Standard_Real theTolerance,
                              Standard_Real&      theumin,
                              Standard_Real&      theumax,
                              Standard_Real&      thevmin,
                              Standard_Real&      thevmax)
The faces based on cylidrical surface has been added to the list of candidates to extend the boundaries

Test case for issue CR24851

10 years ago0024822: Solve selection fails after copying
vro [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:18:38 +0000 (16:18 +0400)]
0024822: Solve selection fails after copying

The method ::Paste() copies myIndex now.
Test case for issue CR24822

10 years ago0024249: Crash on ShapeFix_Shape
ibs [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:16:36 +0000 (16:16 +0400)]
0024249: Crash on ShapeFix_Shape

FixAddNaturalBound: the boundaries of "natural bound addition" are restricted: a face, that does not contains an outer wire, should not have any infinite UV boundaries due to new face building (with using a surface) requires specified UV boundaries.
FixAddNaturalBound: myResult is updated in FixAddNaturalBound when the method creates a new face with natural boundary. myResult is required to be updated for next "fix small-area wires" algorithm
IsPeriodicConicalLoop: incorrect working BRepTools_WireExplorer was replaced on TopoDS_Iterator.
a natural bound is added to all the faces are constructed with UV-periodical surfaces (not only sphere and torus; e.g., closed b-splines)

ShapeAnalysis: ReverceSeq renamed to ReverseSeq
BRep_Tool Pnt and Tolerance has the check for null TShape
Test cases for issue CR24249

required null checks were added
test cases were corrected according to their new behavior
Correction test case for issue CR24249

10 years ago0024775: False detecting of intersection in BRepMesh_Classifier class.
azn [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:12:49 +0000 (16:12 +0400)]
0024775: False detecting of intersection in BRepMesh_Classifier class.

Increased checking accuracy of endpoints touching of segments.
Code formatting improvement.
Test case for issue CR24775
Correction test case for issue CR24775

10 years ago0024848: CLang warnings -Wunused-value
ski [Wed, 16 Apr 2014 14:16:33 +0000 (18:16 +0400)]
0024848: CLang warnings -Wunused-value

Warning should be fixed.

10 years ago0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO
pkv [Tue, 15 Apr 2014 03:19:00 +0000 (07:19 +0400)]
0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO

The contents dealing with:
Parallel computation of Face/Face interferences;
Parallel computation of Edge/Edge interferences (Post-Treatment Level);
Parallel intersection of bounding boxes (BOPDS_Iterator Level).

10 years ago0024825: Fit Boolean Operation Algorithm to treat multiple arguments.
pkv [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:04:29 +0000 (16:04 +0400)]
0024825: Fit Boolean Operation Algorithm to treat multiple arguments.

class BOPTest
class BOPAlgo_BOP
class BOPAlgo_Builder
class BOPTest
class BRepFeat_Builder
class BRepFeat_MakeCylindricalHole

The format of the command has been changed:
bbop r op [-s -t]
The following options has been added:
-s - run in serial mode
-t  - print the CPU time

Test cases for issue CR24825

10 years ago0024821: CLang warning -Wunsequenced in StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d
kgv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:16:27 +0000 (16:16 +0400)]
0024821: CLang warning -Wunsequenced in StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d

10 years ago0024805: Eliminate unused static functions and methods: ShallowDump(), ShallowCopy...
abv [Fri, 11 Apr 2014 09:59:41 +0000 (13:59 +0400)]
0024805: Eliminate unused static functions and methods: ShallowDump(), ShallowCopy(), STANDARD_TYPE(...)

Implementation of global functions STANDARD_TYPE() for types not inheriting Standard_Transient or Standard_Persistent are eliminated.

Global functions and class methods ShallowCopy() are removed; also removed unused classes Visual3d_PickPath and Visual3d_PickDescriptor.

Global functions and class methods ShallowDump() are removed, except for classes Standard_GUID, TopLoc_Datum, and TopLoc_Location as the latter are still used in some Debug printouts.

10 years ago0024785: Visualization - Modifying z-layers concept to gain more control over OpenGl...
duv [Thu, 17 Apr 2014 11:56:41 +0000 (15:56 +0400)]
0024785: Visualization - Modifying z-layers concept to gain more control over OpenGl depth buffer.

Cosmetic fixes.
glDepthFunc fix.

10 years ago0024649: Update user's guide for Boolean operations
ysn [Mon, 31 Mar 2014 07:09:22 +0000 (11:09 +0400)]
0024649: Update user's guide for Boolean operations

New User's Guide on Boolean operations added.

10 years ago0024578: Typos in Developer Guide "Building OCCT from sources"
ysn [Tue, 1 Apr 2014 11:53:48 +0000 (15:53 +0400)]
0024578: Typos in Developer Guide "Building OCCT from sources"

Dev guides for building 3rd party products and "short guide" to WOK have been reviewed.

10 years ago0024602: Documentation Code Snippets missing sign
ysn [Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:24:19 +0000 (20:24 +0400)]
0024602: Documentation Code Snippets missing sign

Fix for bug 24602 about missing <, >, " and some other signs.
Also a major review of documetation to fix wrong formatting issues.

10 years agoAdded TODO in test case for Debug mode
apn [Fri, 11 Apr 2014 09:57:24 +0000 (13:57 +0400)]
Added TODO in test case for Debug mode

10 years ago0024759: Crash on STEP import, when reading a file exported in non-"C" locale
dbv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 16:13:01 +0000 (20:13 +0400)]
0024759: Crash on STEP import, when reading a file exported in non-"C" locale

Fix for step reading
Add test case bugs/xde/bug24759

10 years ago0024534: Improve design of Image_PixMap class
kgv [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 05:15:40 +0000 (09:15 +0400)]
0024534: Improve design of Image_PixMap class

Remove template methods Image_PixMap::EditData(), ::ReadData().
Add template method Image_PixMap::ChangeValue().
Remove redundant parameter for Image_PixMap::Clear() method.

Make Image_PixMapData non-template class. Introduce NCollection_Buffer.

10 years ago0024538: BRepFill_CompatibleWires.cxx, implementation of function PlaneOfWire() is...
aml [Mon, 7 Apr 2014 08:09:39 +0000 (12:09 +0400)]
0024538: BRepFill_CompatibleWires.cxx, implementation of function PlaneOfWire() is suboptimal

Implementation improvements and refactoring in PlaneOfWire() function.

10 years ago0024708: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 2
dln [Wed, 5 Mar 2014 14:22:43 +0000 (18:22 +0400)]
0024708: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 2

Generic classes from "AppParCurves" package:
    "AppDef_SmoothCriterion", "AppDef_LinearCriteria" and "AppDef_Variational" moved to the corresponding non-generic classes "AppDef_SmoothCriterion", "AppDef_LinearCriteria" and "AppDef_Variational" to "AppDef" package. Also several "*.cxx" files of "AppDef_Variational" class merged to one ".cxx".
Generic class from "IntImp" package:
    "IntImp_ZerCOnSSParFunc" moved to the corresponding non-generic class "IntPatch_CSFunction" to "IntPatch" package.
Next unused generic classes were removed:

- IntCurveSurface_SurfaceTool
- Intf_InterferencePolygon3d
And some other minor changes.

10 years ago0024520: Implementing affine transformations in ray-tracing
duv [Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:36:21 +0000 (16:36 +0400)]
0024520: Implementing affine transformations in ray-tracing

10 years ago0024797: TKOpenGl, OpenGl_PointSprite - the assert is absent during incorrect object...
osa [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 15:31:48 +0000 (19:31 +0400)]
0024797: TKOpenGl, OpenGl_PointSprite - the assert is absent during incorrect object releasing.

10 years ago0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO
pkv [Tue, 8 Apr 2014 08:22:16 +0000 (12:22 +0400)]
0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO

The contents dealing with the parallel computation of Vertex/Face interferences.

10 years ago0024722: Move functionality of WOK command wgendoc to OCCT tool gendoc
omy [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:23:18 +0000 (18:23 +0400)]
0024722: Move functionality of WOK command wgendoc to OCCT tool gendoc

Command gendoc improved to:
- generate Reference Manual documentation (OCCT classes reference) with option -refman; option -overview can be used for generation of overview documentation;
- generate PDF documents for all User Guides automatically (for files listed in FILES_PDF.txt);
- check availability of third-party tools (Doxygen, Inkscape etc.) and properly report warnings and errors.
- use templates of configuration files for third-party tools instead of their generation. These template files are located in dox/resources folder

Tcl scripts are moved from dox folder to adm.
Doxygen warnings are eliminated.
Moved all auxilary functions to occaux.tcl.
Fixed Reference manual generation on *nix platform.
Fixed PDF generation on *nix platforms.

10 years ago0024809: Exception is raised during perform of "bfillds" command on attached shape
emv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:20:57 +0000 (18:20 +0400)]
0024809: Exception is raised during perform of "bfillds" command on attached shape

On attached shape command "bfillds -s" hangs in Test Harness on the long time. In debug mode exception is raised.
Vectors are normalized before calculation of an angle.
Added test case bugs/modalg_5/bug24809

10 years ago0024812: Provide VS2012 debugger visualizer for OCCT types
agv [Wed, 9 Apr 2014 08:13:20 +0000 (12:13 +0400)]
0024812: Provide VS2012 debugger visualizer for OCCT types

10 years ago0024792: Remove unused hacks for compilers without STL
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 13:15:09 +0000 (17:15 +0400)]
0024792: Remove unused hacks for compilers without STL

10 years ago0024804: OSD_PerfMeter documentation is broken
kgv [Mon, 7 Apr 2014 12:29:04 +0000 (16:29 +0400)]
0024804: OSD_PerfMeter documentation is broken

10 years ago0024808: cmake does not compile mfc sample
ibs [Tue, 8 Apr 2014 08:11:00 +0000 (12:11 +0400)]
0024808: cmake does not compile mfc sample

OCC_StereoConfigDlg.cxx/h were added into mfcsample CMakeLists.txt meta-project

10 years ago0024656: Exception on current version of OCC libraries during perform of boolean...
emv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:54:09 +0000 (17:54 +0400)]
0024656: Exception on current version of OCC libraries during perform of boolean operation (Regression)

Added protection for null vector.
Test case for issue CR24656

10 years ago0024766: Wrong result for distmini between a TopoDS_Shell and a TopoDS_Edge on versio...
ifv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:52:25 +0000 (17:52 +0400)]
0024766: Wrong result for distmini between a TopoDS_Shell and a TopoDS_Edge on version 6.6.0.

Test case for issue CR24766
Modified test case bugs/modalg_5/bug24766

10 years ago0024755: TDF_Label::AddAttribute() reverses the order of added attributes
szy [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:50:49 +0000 (17:50 +0400)]
0024755: TDF_Label::AddAttribute() reverses the order of added attributes

Test case and new draw command for issue CR24755
Fix of regression linked with test case bug24047.
Fix of bug361 regression on Linux.

10 years ago0024791: Visualization - highlighting is not cleared in local selection on some OpenG...
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 10:56:54 +0000 (14:56 +0400)]
0024791: Visualization - highlighting is not cleared in local selection on some OpenGL drivers

Force GL commands execution by glFlush().

10 years ago0023972: Exception thrown when intersecting two cones
mkv [Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:22:11 +0000 (17:22 +0400)]
0023972: Exception thrown when intersecting two cones

DRAW command and test case for issue CR23972

10 years agoNew compiler warnings (vc10 64-bit) fixed in BOPCol_TBB.hxx
abv [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 04:48:45 +0000 (08:48 +0400)]
New compiler warnings (vc10 64-bit) fixed in BOPCol_TBB.hxx

10 years ago0024795: TKOpenGl - new compilation warnings in OpenGl_Workspace_Raytrace.cxx
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 16:39:35 +0000 (20:39 +0400)]
0024795: TKOpenGl - new compilation warnings in OpenGl_Workspace_Raytrace.cxx

10 years ago0024572: Improvement performance of BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape
dbp [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:42:41 +0000 (17:42 +0400)]
0024572: Improvement performance of BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape

Fix compilations issues.
Fix compilation issues with GCC.

10 years ago0024794: Drop unused files Standard_osd_ffi.c and Standard_symlink.c
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 13:30:35 +0000 (17:30 +0400)]
0024794: Drop unused files Standard_osd_ffi.c and Standard_symlink.c

10 years ago0024625: Upgrade Bison to version 2.2 or above
abv [Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:12:23 +0000 (15:12 +0400)]
0024625: Upgrade Bison to version 2.2 or above

Eliminate MSVC warnings in code generated by Bison 2.41 on Linux

10 years agoFix for building lex scanners on Windows when scanner is generated by flex 2.5.35...
abv [Wed, 9 Apr 2014 10:26:37 +0000 (14:26 +0400)]
Fix for building lex scanners on Windows when scanner is generated by flex 2.5.35 on Linux

10 years ago0024731: Incomplete section of a surface by plane
apn [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 12:26:26 +0000 (16:26 +0400)]
0024731: Incomplete section of a surface by plane

Added test case bugs/modalg_5/bug24731

10 years agoAdded TODO in unstable test case de/step_3/E6.
apn [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 10:17:19 +0000 (14:17 +0400)]
Added TODO in unstable test case de/step_3/E6.

10 years agoIncrease CPU limit in test case bugs/modalg_5/bug24758_2 in Debug mode.
apn [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 10:16:15 +0000 (14:16 +0400)]
Increase CPU limit in test case bugs/modalg_5/bug24758_2 in Debug mode.

10 years ago0024739: TKOpenGl - port ray-tracing from OpenCL to GLSL for better integration and...
dbp [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 10:14:02 +0000 (14:14 +0400)]
0024739: TKOpenGl - port ray-tracing from OpenCL to GLSL for better integration and portability

RayTracing - disable reflections by default
Fix possible compilation issue on Mac OS X.

10 years ago0024778: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 9
dln [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:28:22 +0000 (11:28 +0400)]
0024778: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 9

Generic classes:


from "GccIter" package were converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "Geom2dGcc" package. Names of this classes were changed to:


And their internal classes:


also converted to the non-generic and moved to the "Geom2dGcc" package(their declarations were moved to "Geom2dGcc.cdl").

Enumerations" Type1, Type2 and Type3 were moved to "Geom2dGcc.cdl".

Package "GccIter" was deleted.

10 years ago0024773: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 7
dln [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:35:15 +0000 (09:35 +0400)]
0024773: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 7

1) Generic classes:


from "GccGeo" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "Geom2dGcc" package. Names of this classes were changed to:


Also "GccGeo_PanGenCurve" unused generic class was deleted. And "GccGeo" package was deleted.

10 years ago0024761: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 5
dln [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 04:19:13 +0000 (08:19 +0400)]
0024761: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 5

1) Generic class "GccEnt_QualifiedCurv" from "GccEnt" package converted to the non-generic class and moved to the "Geom2dGcc" package. Name of this class was changed to "Geom2dGcc_QCurve".

2) Generic classes "HatchGen_ElementGen", "HatchGen_ElementsGen", "HatchGen_HatchingGen" and "HatchGen_Hatcher" from "HatchGen" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "Geom2dHatch" package. Names of this classes were changed to "Geom2dHatch_Element", "Geom2dHatch_Elements", "Geom2dHatch_Hatching" and "Geom2dHatch_Hatcher". Also all instantiations of the "internal" classes of this classes were moved to the "Geom2dHatch.cdl".

3) Generic classes "Extrema_GExtCC", "Extrema_GExtCC2d", "Extrema_GLocateExtCC" and "Extrema_GLocateExtCC2d" from "Extrema" package converted to the non-generic classes. Names of this classes were changed to "Extrema_ExtCC", "Extrema_ExtCC2d", "Extrema_LocateExtCC" and "Extrema_LocateExtCC2d". Also all instantiations of the "internal" classes of this classes were moved to the "Extrema.cdl".

10 years ago0024763: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 6
dln [Tue, 25 Mar 2014 07:55:53 +0000 (11:55 +0400)]
0024763: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 6

Next generic classes:


from "Contap" package were converted to the non-generic classes. Names of several classes were changed:


 Also all instantiations of the "internal" classes of this classes were moved to the "Contap.cdl". And sources of the "Contap_ContourGen" class were merged to one .cxx file.

10 years ago0024774: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 8
dln [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 05:55:22 +0000 (09:55 +0400)]
0024774: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 8

Generic classes:

 "GProp_TFunction" (internal),
 "GProp_UFunction" (internal)

from "GProp" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "BRepGProp" package. Names of several classes were changed to:


Also all instantiations of the "internal" classes of this classes were moved to the "Geom2dHatch.cdl". For new "BRepGProp_TFunction" and "BRepGProp_UFunction" internal classes two new "*.cdl" files were created.

10 years ago0023892: Missing intersection edge between two faces.
jgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:42:18 +0000 (16:42 +0400)]
0023892: Missing intersection edge between two faces.

Test case for issue CR23892

10 years ago0024712: Extend DRAW commands "vertex" and "extrema". Create test to check all points...
abk [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:34:22 +0000 (16:34 +0400)]
0024712: Extend DRAW commands "vertex" and "extrema". Create test to check all points for bug 23830.

DRAW command "vertex" was extended to create vertex from point.
DRAW command "extrema" was extended and unified: both extrema points are outputted to DRAW in case of too close points;
parameters of extremal points are outputted.
35 shapes were added for anti-regression tests.
Second DRAW test was created for bug CR23830.

Move shapes to shape-repository

10 years ago0024405: TKernel - add aligned allocator class Standard_MMgrAligned
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:31:35 +0000 (16:31 +0400)]
0024405: TKernel - add aligned allocator class Standard_MMgrAligned

New class NCollection_AlignedAllocator.
New methods Standard::AllocateAligned() and Standard::FreeAligned().
Add missing Standard_EXPORT

10 years ago0024762: Visualization - new interactive object AIS_ColoredShape with customized...
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:29:23 +0000 (16:29 +0400)]
0024762: Visualization - new interactive object AIS_ColoredShape with customized subshapes presentations

AIS_Shape, ::SetColor(), ::SetMaterial(), ::SetTransparency(), ::SetWidth() - improve consistency.
Setup color for marker aspect as well.
vaspects - new command superseeds vsetcolor, vsetmaterial, vsettransparancy, vsetwidth
and their unset analogs. Improve syntax and arguments validation.
OpenGl_AspectMarker::SetAspect() - do not reset myMarkerSize when sprite is unchanged.
Extend NCollection_IndexedDataMap - Iterator::Key() and FindFromKey() with value copying.

Add test case bugs vis bug24762_coloredshape.

10 years ago0024777: Visualization - AIS_InteractiveContext::MoveTo() doesn't keep detected objec...
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:24:28 +0000 (16:24 +0400)]
0024777: Visualization - AIS_InteractiveContext::MoveTo() doesn't keep detected object at first call

Draw Harness, ViewerTest - ignore rectangular selection for empty rectangle

10 years ago0024757: DRAW: Move commands fixshape, tolerance, and similar to MODELING
dbv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 12:22:15 +0000 (16:22 +0400)]
0024757: DRAW: Move commands fixshape, tolerance, and similar to MODELING

Package SWDRAW has been moved to TKTopTest toolkit. Class SWDRAW_ToVRML has been moved to XSDRAWSTLVRML_ToVRML
Removed unused classes:
Removed NSPApply command
Test script update
Removed xtrace command

10 years ago0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO
pkv [Tue, 1 Apr 2014 03:19:18 +0000 (07:19 +0400)]
0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO

The contents dealing with the parallel computation of Vertex/Face interferences.

10 years ago0024767: Crash on making edges in HLRBRep
jgv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:25:41 +0000 (17:25 +0400)]
0024767: Crash on making edges in HLRBRep

10 years ago0024747: TKOpenGl - Mesa fails to destroy context if it set to current thread
apl [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:34:27 +0000 (11:34 +0400)]
0024747: TKOpenGl - Mesa fails to destroy context if it set to current thread

10 years ago0023710: Simplification of presentation managment classes
kgv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 11:33:26 +0000 (15:33 +0400)]
0023710: Simplification of presentation managment classes

Merge PrsMgr_Presentation3d into PrsMgr_Presentation

10 years ago0024754: Remove constructor for static class TopOpeBRep_PointGeomTool
kgv [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 06:57:47 +0000 (10:57 +0400)]
0024754: Remove constructor for static class TopOpeBRep_PointGeomTool

10 years ago0024764: Alien subshapes occured in result of 'bopcheck' operation
pkv [Thu, 3 Apr 2014 11:29:23 +0000 (15:29 +0400)]
0024764: Alien subshapes occured in result of 'bopcheck' operation

class BOPAlgo_ArgumentAnalyzer
   - method:
void BOPAlgo_ArgumentAnalyzer::TestSelfInterferences()
The new shapes has been excluded from the treatment

void BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::PostTreat()
The new shapes has been excluded from the treatment

Standard_Integer bopcheck
  (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer n,  const char** a )
The new shapes has been excluded from the treatment.
The interferences of the type */Solid has been included in the treatment.

Test case for issue CR24764

10 years agoUpdate of test cases for Debug
mkv [Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:02:18 +0000 (16:02 +0400)]
Update of test cases for Debug

10 years ago0024765: Compile errors on Mac OS X with GCC 4.2
abv [Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:06:10 +0000 (16:06 +0400)]
0024765: Compile errors on Mac OS X with GCC 4.2

Sequence replaced by handle in map, to avoid involvement of copy constructor (private)

10 years ago0024535: Bad type cast in TDocStd_Document::Update()
szy [Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:49:44 +0000 (16:49 +0400)]
0024535: Bad type cast in TDocStd_Document::Update()

Eliminating of GCC compiler warning on breakage of C pointer aliasing rules.

10 years ago0024752: Visualization - inherit OpenGl_Group from Graphic3d_Group
kgv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:12:18 +0000 (17:12 +0400)]
0024752: Visualization - inherit OpenGl_Group from Graphic3d_Group

Graphic3d_Group is now abstract class and should be instantiated
using Graphic3d_Structure::NewGroup() method.
Graphic3d_CGroup has been removed.

The groups list is no more duplicated within Graphic3d_Structure and OpenGl_Structure.
Removed unused/duplicated fields from Graphic3d_Group.

Prs3d_Presentation - remove redundnant field myCurrentGroup.
PrsMgr_Presentation3d::Erase(), ::Clear() - avoid possible NULL dereference.
OpenGl_GraphicDriver/Graphic3d_GraphicDriver - group management methods have been removed
(moved to Graphic3d_CStructure and Graphic3d_Group interfaces).

Graphic3d_Group::GroupPrimitivesAspect() - copy IsEmission flag
Fix wrong iterator
Fix compilation issues

10 years ago0024751: Performance improvements in the Edge/Edge intersection algorithm
emv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:10:12 +0000 (17:10 +0400)]
0024751: Performance improvements in the Edge/Edge intersection algorithm

Added new static method PointBoxDistance() to compute distance between point and bounding box.
Removed method IntTools_EdgeEdge::FindRoughRanges().
Test cases for issue CR24751

10 years ago0024738: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe algorithm fails on circular path and section (the...
jgv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:59:41 +0000 (16:59 +0400)]
0024738: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe algorithm fails on circular path and section (the case where result is part of sphere)

Test case for issue CR24738

10 years ago0024684: Command fixshape hangs up on the attached shape
nbv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:56:42 +0000 (16:56 +0400)]
0024684: Command fixshape hangs up on the attached shape

Algorithm of seeking of any internal point into given face is corrected.
Test case for issue CR24684

10 years ago0024758: Sample DRAW scripts for demonstrating sweeping algorithm
abv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:54:50 +0000 (16:54 +0400)]
0024758: Sample DRAW scripts for demonstrating sweeping algorithm

Two scripts added:
samples/tcl/drill.tcl: creates model of a twist drill bit
samples/tcl/cutter.tcl: creates simplified model of a milling cutter
Added test cases bugs/modalg_5/bug24758_1 bug24758_2

10 years ago0024633: Incorrect projection of a curve on a surface
jgv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:51:39 +0000 (16:51 +0400)]
0024633: Incorrect projection of a curve on a surface

Test cases for issue CR24633

10 years ago0024565: MgtBRep persistence bug
szy [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:48:46 +0000 (16:48 +0400)]
0024565: MgtBRep persistence bug

Fix of the persistence bug (exception with message "Persistant CurveRep is Null").
Creating new draw command for testing CR24565
Revert license header corruption
Correction for new draw command OCC24565
Test case for issue CR24565

10 years ago0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO
pkv [Mon, 24 Mar 2014 05:34:34 +0000 (09:34 +0400)]
0024639: Parallelization FillDS part of BO

Modifications to avoid compilation errors

10 years ago0024354: TKOpenGl - location modification of multi-connected shape has no effect...
duv [Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:22:31 +0000 (15:22 +0400)]
0024354: TKOpenGl - location modification of multi-connected shape has no effect when object is drawn by GLSL program

10 years ago0024745: Needless inheritance of OSD_MemInfo from Standard_Transient
kgv [Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:17:39 +0000 (16:17 +0400)]
0024745: Needless inheritance of OSD_MemInfo from Standard_Transient

10 years ago0024748: Remove unused instantiations of collection classes
abv [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:36:03 +0000 (16:36 +0400)]
0024748: Remove unused instantiations of collection classes

- packages PColPGeom, PColPGeom2d
- in Geom package: classes SequenceOfBoundedSurface, (H)SequenceOfSurface
- in TColGeom package: classes Array1OfBoundedCurve, (H)Array1OfBoundedSurface, HArray1OfBoundedCurve, (H)Array2OfBoundedSurface, (H)Array2OfBSplineSurface, HArray2OfBezierSurface, (H)SequenceOfBoundedSurface, HSequenceOfSurface
- in TColGeom2d package: classes (H)Array1OfGeometry, (H)Array1OfBoundedCurve, HSequenceOfGeometry

10 years ago0024734: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 4
dln [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:29:16 +0000 (16:29 +0400)]
0024734: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 4

Generic classes "LProp_FuncCurExt", "LProp_FuncCurNul" and "LProp_NumericCurInf" from "LProp" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "Geom2dLProp" package. Therefore names of this classes were changed to "Geom2dLProp_FuncCurExt", "Geom2dLProp_FuncCurNul" and "Geom2dLProp_NumericCurInf".
Generic class "Sweep_LinearRegularSweep" from "Sweep" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "BRepSweep" package. Therefore name of this class was changed to "BRepSweep_NumLinearRegularSweep". Also 2 internal classes of "BRepSweep_NumLinearRegularSweep" moved to "BRepSweep.cdl".
Generic classes "Primitives_Wedge" and "Primitives_OneAxis" from "Primitives" package converted to the non-generic classes and moved to the "BRepPrim" package. Therefore names of this classes were changed to "BRepPrim_GWedge" and "BRepPrim_OneAxis". Also enum "Direction" moved to BRepPrim. Therefore all "Primitives" package was deleted.
And some other minor changes were done.

Internal classes Array2OfShapes and SequenceOfShapes from BRepSweep_NumLinearRegularSweep replaced to Array2OfShape and SequenceOfShape from TopTools.

10 years ago0024683: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 1
dln [Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:24:53 +0000 (16:24 +0400)]
0024683: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 1

Generic classes from "BRepApprox" package:
    "BRepApprox_ApproxLineGen" and "BRepApprox_SurfaceToolGen" converted to the non-generic classes "BRepApprox_ApproxLine" and "BRepApprox_SurfaceTool".
Generic classes from "BRepBlend" package:
    "BRepBlend_HCurve3dToolGen" and "BRepBlend_HCurve2dToolGen" converted to the non-generic classes "BRepBlend_HCurve3dTool" and "BRepBlend_HCurve2dTool".
Generic classes from "Blend" package:
    "Blend_Extremity", "Blend_Line" and "Blend_PointOnRst" moved to the corresponding non-generic classes "BRepBlend_Extremity", "BRepBlend_Line" and "BRepBlend_PointOnRst" to "BRepBlend" package.

And some other minor changes were done.
Field "myPntOn2S" was deleted from "BRepApprox_ApproxLine" class. Therefore BRepApprox_ApproxLine::Point(...) method was a little changed.

10 years agoUpdate test cases for debug mode
mkv [Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:16:29 +0000 (16:16 +0400)]
Update test cases for debug mode

10 years ago0024549: Faulty shape after IGES translation with xstep.cascade.unit set to M
ibs [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:59:22 +0000 (14:59 +0400)]
0024549: Faulty shape after IGES translation with xstep.cascade.unit set to M

pcurve as line isn't created to avoid incorrect parameterization
Test case for issue CR24549

Test cases were corrected according to their new behavior

10 years ago0024687: TKOpenGl shader programs - same view state for different v3d views
duv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:39:23 +0000 (14:39 +0400)]
0024687: TKOpenGl shader programs - same view state for different v3d views

OpenGl_ShaderManager::IsSameView() - add const

10 years agoUpdate test cases database
apn [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:22:54 +0000 (14:22 +0400)]
Update test cases database
- bugs modalg_5 bug23954 -      Added test case for issue 23954
- bugs modalg_1 bug60776_1 -  Corrected square of shape and deleted appropriate TODO
- bugs moddata_1 bug13 -          Added check for the curve length obtained as a result of intersection
- feat featprism S2 -                     Corrected square of shape and deleted appropriate TODO

10 years ago0024727: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 3
dln [Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:09:23 +0000 (12:09 +0400)]
0024727: Convertation of the generic classes to the non-generic. Part 3

1) Generic class "Intf_InterferencePolyhedron" from "Intf" package converted to the non-generic class and moved to the "IntPatch" package. Name of this class was changed to "IntPatch_InterferencePolyhedron".

2) Generic class "MoniTool_Elem" from "MoniTool" package converted to the non-generic class "MoniTool_TransientElem".

3) Generic class "IntWalk_PWalking" from "IntWalk" package converted to the non-generic class. And internal class "TheInt2S" of "IntWalk_PWalking" moved from IntWalk_PWalking.cdl to IntWalk.cdl for correct building. Also several "*.cxx" files of this class merged to one ".cxx".

4) Generic class "Transfer_SimpleBinder" from "Transfer" package converted to the non-generic class and moved to the "TransferBRep" package. Name of this class was changed to "TransferBRep_BinderOfShape".

5) Generic class "Geom2dInt_CurveTool" from "Geom2dInt" package converted to the non-generic class "Geom2dInt_Geom2dCurveTool".

6) Generic class "MAT2d_BisectingLocus" from "MAT2d" package converted to the non-generic class and moved to the "BRepMAT2d" package. Name of this class was changed to "BRepMAT2d_BisectingLocus".

7) Generic class "MAT_Mat" from "MAT" package converted to the non-generic class and moved to the "MAT2d" package. Name of this class was changed to "MAT2d_Mat2d".

10 years ago0024737: Coding - remove <br> tag from header files
kgv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:12:12 +0000 (14:12 +0400)]
0024737: Coding - remove <br> tag from header files

Eliminate #ifdefs around #includes, some unnecessary includes and macros

10 years ago0024706: Solids produced by BOP do not have flag Closed set in shells
emv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:09:47 +0000 (14:09 +0400)]
0024706: Solids produced by BOP do not have flag Closed set in shells

Flag CLOSED is set for closed shells created during perform of Boolean Operation.
Test cases for issue CR24706

10 years ago0024730: remove constructor for class TopOpeBRep_PointGeomTool
kgv [Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:10:05 +0000 (16:10 +0400)]
0024730: remove constructor for class TopOpeBRep_PointGeomTool

10 years ago0024736: There is new additional compilation warning on Linux platform
kgv [Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:32:39 +0000 (12:32 +0400)]
0024736: There is new additional compilation warning on Linux platform

10 years ago0024733: Subshape IDs change between two executions of a same script
pkv [Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:02:28 +0000 (07:02 +0400)]
0024733: Subshape IDs change between two executions of a same script

1. class BOPTools_Set
   - method:
void BOPTools_Set::AddEdges(const TopoDS_Shape& aS)
has been removed as redundant

2. class BOPTools_Set
   - method:
Standard_Boolean BOPTools_Set::IsEqual  (const BOPTools_Set& theOther)const
has been modified to take into account Locations of the shapes

3. class BOPAlgo_Builder
   - method:
void BOPAlgo_Builder::FillSameDomainFaces()
has been modified in accordance with the modifications done in II.1.

10 years ago0024637: Visualization - clean up implementation of rendering in immediate mode
kgv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:54:12 +0000 (13:54 +0400)]
0024637: Visualization - clean up implementation of rendering in immediate mode

Remove unused flag "DoubleBuf".
Remove Visual3d_TransientManager "class" (functionality moved to PrsMgr_PresentationManager).
Remove unused "Add" immediate mode.

V3d_View class - remove methods ::TransientManagerBeginDraw(), ::TransientManagerClearDraw(), ::TransientManagerBeginAddDraw().
Add method ::RedrawImmediate() to redraw only immediate presentations.

OpenGl_GraphicDriver - add methods ::DisplayImmediateStructure(), ::EraseImmediateStructure(), ::RedrawImmediate().
OpenGl_View - manage list of immediate structures.
OpenGl_Workspace - automate rendering workflow of immediate + persistent layers.

Merge PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d class into PrsMgr_PresentationManager.
Mark PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d as alias to PrsMgr_PresentationManager to simplify porting.

Prs3d_Presentation - remove unused field myStruct.
Prs3d_PresentationShadow - shadow link to existing presentation with custom attributes.
Graphic3d_Structure::Highlight() - do not register undisplayed structure in structure manager.

AIS_InteractiveContext, AIS_LocalContext add flag to prevent view update into methods
::MoveTo(), ::HilightNextDetected(), ::HilightPreviousDetected()
to allow update of customized immediate structures before redraw but after ::MoveTo().

Remove unused method AIS_InteractiveContext::Drag().

StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d do not user immediate mode in methods
::DisplayAreas(), ::ClearAreas(), ::ClearSensitive(), ::DisplaySensitive(),

GridEcho - update value in StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d::Pick() instead of V3d_View::Compute().
Do not use global variable for GridEcho vertex.
Redraw immediate mode not within GridEcho but at AIS_InteractiveContext, AIS_LocalContext layer.

V3d_View::ToPixMap() - disable autoupdate during FitAll.
Avoid Redraw() into FBO without ImmediateModeDrawToFront flag.

PrsMgr_PresentationManager stores list of temporary immediate presentations,
automatically cleared within BeginImmediateMode() call.
Methods with ambiguous names have been renamed
(new names now consistent with pre-existed method names in AIS_LocalContext class):
- BeginDraw -> BeginImmediateDraw
- EndDraw -> EndImmediateDraw
Remove now useless Remove() method (and ImmediateRemove() in AIS).

Visual3d_View now stores map of displayed immediate presentations.

ViewerTest_EventManager - eliminate double redraw in selection methods.

Fix warning

10 years ago0024732: OpenGl_Context - retrieve functions up to GL4.4
kgv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:50:28 +0000 (13:50 +0400)]
0024732: OpenGl_Context - retrieve functions up to GL4.4

Drop unused OpenGl_ArbVBO.
Replace OpenGl_ExtFBO with OpenGl_ArbFBO.

OpenGl_Context - reorganize GL functions management.
OpenGl_GlFunctions structure now stores pointers for all GL functions,
while inheritors specify functions subset using access levels.
Drop fields core12, core13, core14; replace extFBO by arbFBO.

OpenGl_ArbIns, OpenGl_ArbTBO - use GL3.1 core functions
instead of ARB extensions when available.

OpenGl_ArbFBO - provide complete list of functions

OpenGl_GlCore11 - fix misprint

OpenGl_Context.hxx - remove redundant declarations

10 years ago0024669: BVH binned builder fails to separate objects with the same center
dbp [Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:54:15 +0000 (15:54 +0400)]
0024669: BVH binned builder fails to separate objects with the same center

10 years ago0024725: AIS_TexturedShape - flag switching texture modulation mode does not work
apl [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:46:40 +0000 (13:46 +0400)]
0024725: AIS_TexturedShape - flag switching texture modulation mode does not work

- Missing code restored
- "vtexture" command improved to support texture modulation option

remarks from kgv

10 years ago0024668: Null flyout value case in AIS_Dimension::SetTextPosition() method is not...
aba [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:44:02 +0000 (13:44 +0400)]
0024668: Null flyout value case in AIS_Dimension::SetTextPosition() method is not considered.

Corrected checks of working plane and dimension geometry.

Corrected remarks: IsComputed flag was added to the SelectionGeometry to check if it is filled; AdjustParameters() methods became const ones.

minor remark

10 years ago0024728: A lot of tests are crashed on vdump command on Windows in debug mode
apl [Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:30:29 +0000 (15:30 +0400)]
0024728: A lot of tests are crashed on vdump command on Windows in debug mode

10 years ago0024493: Partition algorithm produces not valid shape(splt of 10 faces)
mkv [Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:37:41 +0000 (18:37 +0400)]
0024493: Partition algorithm produces not valid shape(splt of 10 faces)

Test cases for issue CR24493

10 years ago0024644: Draw_Printer - provide the way to control messages gravity filter
kgv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:38:41 +0000 (13:38 +0400)]
0024644: Draw_Printer - provide the way to control messages gravity filter

Message_Printer - define GetTraceLevel()/SetTraceLevel() methods in base interface.
Implement message gravity filter in Draw_Printer.
Add new Draw Harness command dtracelevel to show/change message gravity filter.
Redirect default messenger to Draw_Printer within TKDraw instead of TKXSDRAW

Draw::Commands() - assign Draw_Printer only once

10 years ago0024696: Lower performance of the new Edge/Edge intersection algorithm
emv [Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:36:43 +0000 (13:36 +0400)]
0024696: Lower performance of the new Edge/Edge intersection algorithm

Performance improvements in IntTools_EdgeEdge algorithm:
1. Added check for common box between edges: if common box between edges is thin,
   find exact solutions at once, without looking for rough ranges first;
2. Improved methods IntTools_EdgeEdge::FindBestSolution() and
   IntTools_EdgeEdge::CheckCoincidence(...) by using method SplitRangeOnSegments
   with resolution of the curve as a criteria for size of the ranges.

Test cases for issue CR24696

10 years agoUpdate cpulimit due to issue 24596
bugmaster [Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:16:51 +0000 (14:16 +0400)]
Update cpulimit due to issue 24596

10 years ago0024720: Some standard samples are not compiled after latest integration to visualisation
apl [Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:52:18 +0000 (14:52 +0400)]
0024720: Some standard samples are not compiled after latest integration to visualisation

Fixed compilation errors in samples:

10 years ago0024596: Slow import of IGES data
ama [Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:07:45 +0000 (15:07 +0400)]
0024596: Slow import of IGES data

Part 1: Speed up of import functionality.
Correction in ShapeFix_IntersectionTool::FixIntersectingWires() - preliminary construction of ShapeAnalysis_Surface tool for the whole face; computation of 2d bounding boxes for edges and wires before intersection checking.

Part 2: Speed up of check shape.
Correction in BRepCheck_Face::IntersectWires() in the same way: preliminary computation of 2d boxes for edges and wires in order to reduce the number of calls of intersection tool for pair of wires.

Test cases for issue CR24596

10 years ago0024718: Broken build on VC8 (VS 2005) if TBB is used
abv [Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:15:46 +0000 (09:15 +0400)]
0024718: Broken build on VC8 (VS 2005) if TBB is used

Macro _WIN32_WINNT defined in OpenGl_SceneGeometry.cxx for building with TBB on VS 2005

10 years ago0024704: Visualization - inherit OpenGl_Structure from Graphic3d_CStructure
kgv [Thu, 13 Mar 2014 10:35:13 +0000 (14:35 +0400)]
0024704: Visualization - inherit OpenGl_Structure from Graphic3d_CStructure

Graphic3d_Structure - store Graphic3d_CStructure as handle.
Graphic3d_Structure class implementation clean up.
Graphic3d_Structure::SetManager() - remove unused method.
Graphic3d_GraphicDriver - move structure-related methods to Graphic3d_CStructure interface.

Remove unsupported Aspect_TOHM_BLINK value.

Remove field-duplicate OpenGl_Structure::myClipPlanes

Fixing warnings

10 years ago0024714: Camera integration - difference in behavior of V3d_View::SetSize
apl [Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:59:26 +0000 (14:59 +0400)]
0024714: Camera integration - difference in behavior of V3d_View::SetSize

Restored behavior of SetSize method