pload TOPTEST pload DCAF cpulimit 300 set ValidatorCheck 0 if { [info exists env(CSF_ValidatorPath)] != 0 } { if {[file exists $env(CSF_ValidatorPath)]} { set ValidatorCheck 1 set Validator $env(CSF_ValidatorPath) } } if { [info exists imagedir] == 0 } { set imagedir . } if { [info exists test_image ] == 0 } { set test_image photo } set WorkDirectory $imagedir set os "ALL" if {[array get env os_type] != ""} { set os $env(os_type) } if { [regexp "indows" $os] } { if {[regexp -nocase {jdk} $env(PATH)] || [regexp -nocase {java} $env(PATH)]} { set Java "java" } else { puts "Warning: environment variable PATH doesn't contain path to Java" } } else { catch {set Java $env(JAVAHOME)/bin/java} } set SchemaFile "" proc SaveToFile { aD aFile } { upvar $aD D global FileSuffix ValidatorCheck catch {[file delete ${aFile}]} SaveAs D $aFile if { [file exists $aFile] } { if { $FileSuffix == "xml" && $ValidatorCheck} { ValidateXml $aFile } else { puts "Validation of XML file by XSD schema is not provided." } } else { puts "Error : There is no ${aFile} file" } catch {[file attributes ${aFile} -permissions 0777]} } proc ValidateXml { aFile } { global Validator Java SchemaFile if { ![info exists Java] } { puts "Error : Java is not exists" return } set isValidInfo "" set ValCommand "exec $Java -jar $Validator $SchemaFile ${aFile}" set isValid [catch {set isValidInfo [eval $ValCommand]}] puts $isValidInfo if { ![regexp "the document is valid" ${isValidInfo}] } { puts "Error : File is not valid" } }