puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : The number of faces is wrong" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:4 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:7 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:12 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:15 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:18 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : Compared documents have different LAYERS for the shape located on 0:1:1:23 label" puts "TODO OCC23213 ALL: Error : errors occur during test" restore [locate_data_file xx.brep] Shape1 XNewDoc D_First XAddShape D_First Shape1 set TypeOfFile "stp" set AddToDocument "COLORS_LAYERS" set CompareDocumentsMode "FACES VOLUME COLORS_EXACTLY LAYERS_EXACTLY"