puts "==================================" puts "0028954: Visualization - implement interactive object AIS_ViewCube for camera manipulations" puts "Display and erase with default settings" puts "==================================" vclear vinit View1 box b 15 20 70 vdisplay -dispMode 1 b vaxo vfit vviewcube vc -fixedAnimation 1 -duration 0 vmoveto 70 340 if {[vreadpixel 70 340 name rgb] != "CYAN"} { puts "Error: Highlighting of view cube Side is wrong." } vmoveto 0 0 vdump $imagedir/${casename}_axo.png # check FRONT side vselect 70 340 if {[vreadpixel 255 300 name rgb] != "BLACK"} { puts "Error: Position of FRONT camera is wrong." } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_side.png # check FRONT/TOP edge vselect 100 270 if {[vreadpixel 100 300 name rgb] != "GRAY52"} { puts "Error: Position of FRONT-TOP camera is wrong." } if {[vreadpixel 100 310 name rgb] != "CYAN"} { puts "Error: Position of FRONT-TOP camera is wrong." } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_edge.png # Check vertex vselect 140 310 if {[vreadpixel 100 290 name rgb] != "GRAY47"} { puts "Error: Position of TOP-FRONT-RIGHT camera is wrong." } if {[vreadpixel 100 310 name rgb] != "CYAN"} { puts "Error: Position of TOP-FRONT-RIGHT camera is wrong." } if {[vreadpixel 100 320 name rgb] != "GRAY59"} { puts "Error: Position of TOP-FRONT-RIGHT camera is wrong." } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_corner.png