set os "ALL" if {[array get env os_type] != ""} { set os $env(os_type) } if { [string compare $os "Windows-32-VC10"] == 0 } { puts "TODO OCC23068 $os: An exception was caught" puts "TODO OCC23068 $os: \\*\\* Exception \\*\\*.*" puts "TODO OCC23068 $os: Error : The offset can not be build." } else { puts "TODO OCC23068 $os: Error : result is not a topological shape" puts "TODO OCC23068 $os: Error : The offset can not be build." } restore [locate_data_file offset_wire_043.brep] s set length 0 set nbsh_v 0 set nbsh_e 0 set nbsh_w 0