# Get name of shape if { [string compare ${TheFileName} ""] != 0 } { set is_brep [regexp "\.brep" $TheFileName] if {$is_brep == 0} { set is_brep [regexp "\.rle" $TheFileName] } if {$is_brep == 1} { puts [brestore [locate_data_file $TheFileName] res] } else { if { [array get Draw_Groups "DE: STEP"] == "" } { pload XDE } stepread [locate_data_file ${TheFileName}] a * tpcompound res } } puts [checkshape res] tclean res if { [string compare $command "shading"] == 0 } { vinit View1 vdisplay -noupdate -redisplay res vsetdispmode res 1 vfit } if { [string compare $command "incmesh"] == 0 } { if { [string compare $parallel "-parallel"] != 0 || [info exists count_parallel] == 0 } { set count_parallel 1 } for {set i 1} {$i <= $count_parallel} {incr i} { tclean res puts "i = $i" incmesh res ${Deflection} ${parallel} } } # Collect TODO for area if { [string compare $bug_area ""] != 0 } { # The difference between the area of a geometry surface and the area of mesh triangles should be less than rel_tol value. # If rel_tol is 100 we suppose that the mesh cannot be created. if { $rel_tol == 100 } { puts "TODO $bug_area All:^\\s*Error : The meshing algo cannot create mesh.\\s*$" } else { puts "TODO ?$bug_area All: Error: area difference = .* is not equal to expected" } } # Collect TODO for number of triangles without mesh if { [string compare $bug_withouttri ""] != 0 } { # It may be different for different OS foreach os_withouttri [array names nbwithouttri] { if { $nbwithouttri($os_withouttri) != 0 } { puts "TODO $bug_withouttri $os_withouttri:^\\s*Error: Faces without triangulation: $nbwithouttri($os_withouttri)\\b\\s*" } } } # Collect TODO for number of free links if { [string compare $bug_freelinks ""] != 0 } { # It may be different for different OS foreach os_freelinks [array names nbfree] { if { $nbfree($os_freelinks) != 0 } { puts "TODO $bug_freelinks $os_freelinks:^\\s*Error: Free links" } } } # Collect TODO for number of cross faces if { [string compare $bug_cross ""] != 0 } { # It may be different for different OS foreach os_cross [array names nbcross] { if { $nbcross($os_cross) != 0 } { puts "TODO $bug_cross $os_cross:Error: Cross face errors" } } } # Collect TODO for number of async edges if { [string compare $bug_async ""] != 0 } { # It may be different for different OS foreach os_async [array names nbasync] { if { $nbasync($os_async) != 0 } { puts "TODO $bug_async $os_async:^\\s*Error: Async edges: $nbasync($os_async)\\b\\s*" } } } # Collect TODO for number of free nodes if { [string compare $bug_freenodes ""] != 0 } { # It may be different for different OS foreach os_freenodes [array names nbfreenodes] { if { $nbfreenodes($os_freenodes) != 0 } { puts "TODO $bug_freenodes $os_freenodes:Error: Free nodes" } } } # Number of triangles set tri 0 # Number of nodes set nod 0 # Deflection set def 0 # Collect number of triangles, number of nodes and deflection. set full [trinfo res] regexp "(\[0-9\]+) +triangles.*\[^0-9]\(\[0-9\]+) +nodes.*deflection +(\[0-9\]|\.+)" $full reg_out tri nod def if { $tri == 0 || $nod == 0 } { puts " " puts "Error : The meshing algo cannot create mesh." } puts " " puts "XML property: triangles $tri" puts "XML property: nodes $nod" puts " " # Check if area of triangles is valid proc CheckTriArea {shape {eps 0}} { upvar #0 $shape a set area [triarea a $eps] set t_area [lindex $area 0] set g_area [expr abs([lindex $area 1])] puts "area by triangles: $t_area" puts "area by geometry: $g_area" expr ($t_area - $g_area) / $g_area * 100 } puts "\nChecking triangulation area (triarea command)..." set rel_err [expr abs([CheckTriArea res $area_eps])] if { [info exists max_rel_tol_diff] && $max_rel_tol_diff > 0 } { checkreal "area difference" $rel_err $rel_tol $max_rel_tol_diff 0 } # Check if topology of mesh is valid puts "\nChecking mesh topology (tricheck command)..." set l [tricheck res] if {$l != ""} { puts $l set withouttri [regsub -all "face \[0-9\]+ has no triangulation" $l "FOUND" ll] if { $withouttri != 0 } { puts "Error: Faces without triangulation: $withouttri" } if { [regexp "Free_links +(\[0-9\]+) +Cross_face_errors +(\[0-9\]+) +Async_edges +(\[0-9\]+) +Free_nodes +(\[0-9\]+)" $l full freelinks crossfaces asyncedges freenodes] } { if { $freelinks != 0 } { puts "Error: Free links: $freelinks" } if { $crossfaces != 0 } { puts "Error: Cross face errors: $crossfaces" } if { $asyncedges != 0 } { puts "Error: Async edges: $asyncedges" } if { $freenodes != 0 } { puts "Error: Free nodes: $freenodes" } } } if { [info exists imagedir] == 0 } { set imagedir . } if { [info exists test_image ] == 0 } { set test_image photo } if { [string compare $command "shading"] == 0 } { vglinfo vdump $imagedir/${test_image}.png } else { isos 0 smallview donly res fit triangles res xwd $imagedir/${test_image}.png } puts "" puts "TEST COMPLETED" puts ""