puts "=========" puts "OCC23948" puts "=========" puts "" ########################################################### # Wrong intersection between a surface of revolution and a plane. ########################################################### foreach a [directory c_*] {unset $a} restore [locate_data_file bug22766_f1] f1 restore [locate_data_file bug22766_f2] f2 mksurface s1 f1 mksurface s2 f2 set log [bopcurves f1 f2] regexp {Tolerance Reached=+([-0-9.+eE]+)\n+([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${log} full Toler NbCurv for { set i 1 } { $i <= $NbCurv } { incr i } { bounds c_$i U1 U2 if {[dval U2-U1] < 1.0e-9} { puts "Error: Wrong curve's range!" } xdistcs c_$i s1 0 1 10 2.0e-7 xdistcs c_$i s2 0 1 10 2.0e-7 } smallview don c_* fit disp s1 s2 checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png