puts "========================" puts "BUC60623" puts "========================" restore [locate_data_file buc60623a.brep] a checkshape a restore [locate_data_file buc60623b.brep] b checkshape b mksurface S1 a mksurface S2 b intersect I1 S1 S2 regexp {nb alone Vertices : ([-0-9.+eE]+)} [checksection I1] full cs2 if { $cs2 != 0 } { puts " Faulty : Intersection is not correct" } else { puts "Intersection of S1 and S2 is correct" } intersect I2 S2 S1 regexp {nb alone Vertices : ([-0-9.+eE]+)} [checksection I2] full cs2 if { $cs2 != 0 } { puts " Faulty : Intersection is not correct" } else { puts "Intersection of S2 and S1 is correct" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png