puts "========" puts "0029296: Data Exchange - implement import of mesh data from files in OBJ format" puts "Ship model with transparent windows" puts "========" XNewDoc D XSetLengthUnit D in ReadObj D [locate_data_file ship_boat.obj] -nocreatedoc -unit 1 XGetOneShape s D checknbshapes s -face 2359 -compound 2 checktrinfo s -tri 27297 -nod 40496 set aLProps [uplevel #0 sprops $s] regexp {Mass\s:\s*([0-9\.e\+]+)} $aLProps dummy anArea if {abs($anArea - 2.65152e+10) > 1e-8} { puts "Error: invalid area $anArea instead of 2.65152e+10" }