#INTERFACE CAF # Message_ProgressIndicator # # Testing attribute: TDocStd_Application # # Testing command: Save # puts "caf009-C2" set xDoc [CreateXmlDoc] # Open document if {${xDoc} == "" } { puts "Save command for binary files: Error, cannot open file" return } Open ${xDoc} Doc # Fill the document by another box box b 1 1 1 SetShape Doc 0:2 b # Configurate XProgress XProgress +t # Save set output [Save Doc] # Close the document Close Doc # Test data set ctr { "0%" "Writing sub-tree" "Writing shape section" "Polygons On Triangulation" "3D Polygons" "Locations" "Writing" "Geometry" "2D Curves" "Triangulations" "3D Curves" "Surfaces" "Shapes" "100%" } foreach data ${ctr} { if ![regexp $data $output] { puts "Error: Save command for xml files: Mismatch data on '$data'" break } }