#INTERFACE CAF # Basic attributes # TDataStd_BooleanArray # # Testing attribute: User defined (additional GUID) TDataStd_BooleanArray # # Testing command: SetBooleanArray # Testing command: GetBooleanArray # puts "caf001-O7" set QA_DUP 0 # Add an attribute to a data framework set aFrom1 1 set aTo1 2 set aSetAttr11 0 set aSetAttr12 1 set aLabel 0:2 set aGuid1 "12e94516-6dbc-11d4-b9c8-0060b0ee281b" SetBooleanArray D ${aLabel} ${aFrom1} ${aTo1} ${aSetAttr11} ${aSetAttr12} SetBooleanArray D ${aLabel} -g ${aGuid1} ${aFrom1} ${aTo1} ${aSetAttr11} ${aSetAttr12} # Close/Open the transaction NewCommand D # Forget the attribute ForgetAll D ${aLabel} # Close/Open the transaction NewCommand D # Undo-Redo-Undo Undo D Redo D Undo D # Save Document Format D XmlOcaf set aFile ${imagedir}/caf001-O7.xml SaveAs D ${aFile} Close D #Open a document Open ${aFile} D # Get a value of the attribute set IsGood 1 set aMessage1 "Add TDataStd_BooleanArray attribute: Error" set aGetAttr1 [GetBooleanArray D ${aLabel}] set aLen1 [llength ${aGetAttr1}] set aGetAttr2 [GetBooleanArray D ${aLabel} ${aGuid1}] set aLen2 [llength ${aGetAttr2}] if { ${aLen1} != [expr ${aTo1} - ${aFrom1} + 1] } { set IsGood 0 puts "aLen1=${aLen1}" puts ${aMessage1} } if { ${aLen2} != [expr ${aTo1} - ${aFrom1} + 1] } { set IsGood 0 puts "aLen2=${aLen2}" puts ${aMessage1} } set aGetAttr11 [lindex ${aGetAttr1} 0] set aGetAttr21 [lindex ${aGetAttr2} 0] if { ${aGetAttr11} != ${aGetAttr21} } { set IsGood 0 puts "aGetAttr11=${aGetAttr11}" puts "aGetAttr21=${aGetAttr21}" puts ${aMessage1} } set aGetAttr12 [lindex ${aGetAttr1} 1] set aGetAttr22 [lindex ${aGetAttr2} 1] if { ${aGetAttr12} != ${aGetAttr22} } { set IsGood 0 puts "aGetAttr12=${aGetAttr12}" puts "aGetAttr22=${aGetAttr22}" puts ${aMessage1} } if { ${IsGood} == 0} { puts "Add TDataStd_BooleanArray attribute: Error" } else { puts "Add TDataStd_BooleanArray attribute: OK" }