pload QAcommands puts "============" puts "OCC22982" puts "============" puts "" ################################################################## # Generic color is overriden in STEPCAFControl_Writer::WriteColors ################################################################## set BugNumber OCC22982 pload DCAF NewDocument D11 BinXCAF UndoLimit D11 100 # Open a transaction NewCommand D11 ReadStep D11 [locate_data_file OCC22982-Air.step] XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:1 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:2 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:3 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:4 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:5 s XUnsetColor D11 0:1:1:1:6 s XSetColor D11 0:1:1:1 0 0 1 XSetColor D11 0:1:1:1:1 1 0 0 set XRedCoords {2 160 186 204} set XRedCoords [split $XRedCoords " "] set YRedCoords {177 48 162 78} set YRedCoords [split $YRedCoords " "] set XBlueCoords {238 315 406 348 370 204 171 62} set XBlueCoords [split $XBlueCoords " "] set YBlueCoords {172 87 188 175 290 271 238 303} set YBlueCoords [split $YBlueCoords " "] XShow D11 vfit # Check colors of document with source shape for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XRedCoords]} {incr i} { set XCoord [lindex $XRedCoords $i] set YCoord [lindex $YRedCoords $i] checkcolor $XCoord $YCoord 1 0 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XBlueCoords]} {incr i} { set XCoord [lindex $XBlueCoords $i] set YCoord [lindex $YBlueCoords $i] checkcolor $XCoord $YCoord 0 0 1 } # Close/Open a transaction NewCommand D11 file delete -force ${imagedir}/${test_image}.step WriteStep D11 ${imagedir}/${test_image}.step NewDocument D2 BinXCAF UndoLimit D2 100 # Close/Open a transaction NewCommand D2 ReadStep D2 ${imagedir}/${test_image}.step XShow D2 vfit # Check colors of document with resulting shape for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XRedCoords]} {incr i} { set XCoord [lindex $XRedCoords $i] set YCoord [lindex $YRedCoords $i] checkcolor $XCoord $YCoord 1 0 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $XBlueCoords]} {incr i} { set XCoord [lindex $XBlueCoords $i] set YCoord [lindex $YBlueCoords $i] checkcolor $XCoord $YCoord 0 0 1 } checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png